AlHakam Shaar AlHakam Shaar

Assessed TP6 - Amazing journeys
Beginners, A1 level


In this lesson, students will practise transport words and expressions before they read a text about two girls who made a journey from Bangkok to Brighton by tuk-tuk. The lesson starts with students saying how they come to school (ITI) first freely and then by sampling specific patterns. Second, students read the text first to get the general idea, and another time to scan for specific details about the girls' journey.


Main Aims

  • To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about a journey in the context of travel.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review, clarification and practice of transport vocabulary in the context of travel.


Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To set the context of transport and travel and elicit words for means of transport

Teacher tells students he comes to ITI walking: "I walk to ITI" and asks a couple of students "You?". T doesn't correct students but might give prompts (bus, metro, taxi)

Vocabulary presentation (5-7 minutes) • To review and provide names of general means of transport

T writes "TRANSPORT" on WB and posts the transport pictures on the WB leaving enough space between them for strips carrying the names of the vehicles for students to post. T divides class into two teams, gives them the strips carrying the names and 2 minutes within their groups to discuss the best answers. T gives the strips to sts and asks them to come to the board and match. The team finishing first, with correct answers, win. T checks understanding by asking about the more difficult words, e.g. "What do we take to come from Uskudar to Eminonu?", "What's a quick way to go to Australia?" T drills pronunciation of difficult words as he goes.

Transport sentences (3-4 minutes) • To provide sts with basic sentence forms to talk about transport one uses

T writes up "I like pizza" and writes "verb". He points to the sentence and asks sts "where's the verb?" eliciting "like". T says "underline" as he underlines the word. He writes another sentence "I sleep at 11." and does the same for the first sentence. T chests sentences (ex. 1c) and clarifies that sts need to underline the verbs. T gives HOs and gives sts 1 minute to do task. T gives sts 1 minute to compare with a partner. T elicits answers and clarifies meaning where necessary.

Transport expressions practice (4-6 minutes) • To provide written and spoken controlled practice of transport expressions

T chests sentences gapped for verbs (go, come) and means of transport (by metro, by train) and asks sts individually to complete them in 2 minutes. T monitors trying to make sure are sts are writing appropriate answers. If some students seem to be off task when time finishes, T checks different asnwers for each item. T demonstrates the second stage of the activity. He reads his first sentence and then chooses a student and says "you?" getting them to say their sentence. T then names two other sts and asks them to do the same. Finally they all stand up in a mingle form of interaction to find out about other students in class. T monitors closely, correcting any errors. T ends activity in 1 or 2 minutes and get sts seated. He then gets FB from a couple of sts.

Pre-reading - pre-teach vocab (3-4 minutes) • To provide students with words that might otherwise hinder their understanding of the text

T explains that students are going to see pictures to match to words. T will read definitions to help sts find the right picture. T tells sts not to shout out answers. T gives HOs and starts reading the defitions of the words in the right order: 1. raise money for charity: take money from some people to help other people like poor people, sick people, or students. 2. an idea: a plan or thought 3. a journey: a travel from one place to another 4. a tuk-tuk: a car with only three wheels used as a taxi in Asia T gives sts 1 minute to compare their answers with a partner. T gets WC FB and checks answers. T CCQs the new vocab and drills pronunciation

Pre-reading - making predictions about text (3-4 minutes) • To raise sts interest in the text and activate their schemata

T writes up the following questions: 1. Where's this? 2. Are the girls from Asia? 3. What do they want to do? T divides class into small groups and asks sts to unfold the HOs containing the text and to fold it again to cover the text but keep the picture. T asks sts to discuss the questions saying what they think (making predictions) in 2 minutes. T gets FB but doesn't confirm answers.

While reading - sts read to check their predictions (6-7 minutes) • To practice reading for gist

T gives instructions: "Read the text to check your guesses. Take 4 minutes." T asks sts to unfold the HOs and read the text. T asks sts to compare their answers in pairs. T gets FB and checks answers. T elicits that Bangkok is the capital of Thailand and that Brighton is a city in England.

While reading - sts read to find details of the journey (6-8 minutes) • To practise scanning for details (numbers and proper nouns)

T tells sts they're going to read the text again to find more details and gives HOs containing the scanning for details questions (ex 4 p 71) (NB. the same page will be used by Eda). T gives sts 4 minutes to read. T asks sts to compare their answers in groups, having shuffled them to give them interaction with different sts. T gets WC FB and checks answers.

Post-reading (discussion) (5-7 minutes) • To practise new vocab and improve fluency

T writes up the discussion question: "Was it a good idea or a bad idea for Jo and Antonia to travel from Bangkok to Brighton by tuk-tuk? Why?" T gives sts 3 minutes to discuss in their new groups. T gets WC FB

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