masoud masoud

TP 6
Intermediate B1 level


In this lesson Ss will develop their awareness of different cultural viewpoints on roles and responsibilities along with learning some lexical functional expressions for self description. The Ss will start by listening to Hayes and Alex talking about their roles. Then it will lead to speaking activities that students will express their opinions about these peoples' roles, and it will be followed up by the introducing the functional language and further the students will talk about the importance of the given roles in their culture in a freer speaking activity.


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Main Aims

  • To provide gist, specific information and detailed listening practice using a text about roles and responsibilities in the context of cultural viewpoints on roles and responsibilities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for self description in the context of roles and responsibilities
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in conversations in the context of roles and responsibilities


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T attracts Ss's attention on the pictures he sticks on the WB and elicits the different roles from the class. T asks the students if they know more important roles. T writes the roles the students name. T asks the students why they think they are important roles.

Pre-Listening (5-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the listening and make it accessible

T gives the Ss a sheet on which the roles are written, He then asks the Ss to tell their partners which of the roles are more important for men and which for women. The Ss have a conversation about their opinions. T monitors and stays in his zone and does not get involved. W/C FB.

While-Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

T tells the students that they are going to listen to two people talk about their most important roles in their lives; Hayes and Alex. T tells the Ss that they need to check the roles written on the sheets as "H" for Hayes and "A" as Alex. ICQ T plays the audio playback. Ss listen and check the roles. Ss check their answers with their partners. w/c FB T writes the words retire(d) and retirement, struggled (to do something), family ties and to support somebody or be supported by somebody to check students understanding of the words. Hayes uses the colloquial expression (not such) a big thing (for me) twice.T Points out that this is a colloquial way to refer to something that is important for you.

While-Listening #2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed listening tasks

T refers the Ss to the questions 1 to 4 and tells them they have 30 seconds to read the questions and think about them. Ss read the questions. The teacher tells them that they are going to listen again to the two people and they are going to answer the questions. The T plays the audio again. The students check their answers in pairs. T monitors. The Ss share their attitudes and feelings toward roles, Alex and Hayes talked about. w/c feedback(who did you most relate yourself to).

Post-Listening (10-12 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the listening and expand on what they've learned

T tells the students: Hi this is Masoud, The teacher. And asks them if people in Turkey introduce themselves with their job titles. T divides the class into "As" and "Bs". T gives them the questions about family roles and work roles. "As" talk about the work roles and "Bs" about family roles in groups. The students have 3 minuets to talk about the questions in their groups. T tells them to go and find a partner in the other group to tell them what was discussed in the other group. w/c FB.

Focus on expresions (5-8 minutes) • To clarify and practice the functional expressions.

T draws two columns on the board, titled "Roles" and "Opinions". T now gives the students a sheet on which the expressions are written. The Ss in groups of three decide which expression fits which column. T monitors and notices the mistakes. T writes the expressions on the WB as the Ss tell him. T deals with any mistake while writing on the WB. Drill.

Freer Speaking #1 (5-8 minutes) • To provide practice of the functional expressions

T presents the question by asking; how they see themeselves and their roles and points out their roles may have changed and that they can talk about this too. The Ss talk about the question in part "a" in groups of three. Ss change their groups and share their partners' ideas with the other groups.

Freer Speaking #2 (5-8 minutes) • To provide practice of the functional expressions in a freer speaking activity

T focuses Ss on the list of roles and checks their understanding of the word "househusband". Ss discuss the question "how these people are seen in their country?" T asks the students if they know how these people are seen in other countries in FB.

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