nurdan nurdan

Second conditional - Text based presentation
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn and practice second conditional clauses through a discovery based text and unreal life situations. The lesson starts with a lead in activity about a programme called ‘The people watches’ which the text is about. Lead in will be to introduce the text and the context of the text so that students wouldn’t be unfamiliar with it. Then the students will read the text for gist to answer one question and as a result of that T will elicit a sentence form the text which would be used by the T to convey the meaning, form and the pronunciation of second conditional. The presentation stage will be followed by a short listening activity to further practice the pronunciation. Then the controlled practice will be provided which that’ll be gap filling and that will be followed by a freer practice that’ll be speaking activity.


Abc Picture of a busy street
Abc Picture of Professor Richard Wiseman
Abc Reading Text
Abc Completing the rules
Abc Complete conversations
Abc Gap-fill handout
Abc Questions for dilemmas
Abc Picture of a busy street

Main Aims

  • SS will learn and practice the second conditional in the context of hypothetical situations.

Subsidiary Aims

  • SS will practice their skill on gist reading and listening.


Stage 1 (Lead in) (3-4 minutes) • To introduce the context of the text and engage the students

-T will write the following on the board: (age, job, likes doing on the weekend, good or bad person) - T will then give a picture of busy street scene and ask SS to speculate about the people in the picture in pairs. (1min) - T will elicit some ideas and ask if they ever do this when they are alone in public. - T will then put up the picture of Professor Richard Wiseman to introduce him, who he is the presented of the show: 'The people watches' and explain that in this show they analyse the people and their behavior through asking questions.

Stage 2 (present the text) (3-4 minutes) • To provide the text to the SS and enable them to read fir gist

- T will introduce the text and provide the question that they'll answer at the end of gist reading. - T will write the question on the board 'why does the reviewer like the programme? - T will then give out the text and ask them to read in 2 minutes to be able to answer the written question, then they'll check answers in pair and T will elicit the answer.

Stage 3 (Presentation of second conditional) (8-10 minutes) • To make the SS extract an example from the text and let them discover the form of second conditional

- T will elicit the questions that is mentioned in the text which is asked by Richard Wiseman and write the question on the board: 'If no one saw you, would you take something without paying for it?' -T will use this example from the text to convey the meaning, form and pronunciation of second conditional - T will ask the question to few SS to elicit the answer, that may be: - 'If no one could see you, you would take something without paying for it' - ' if no one saw me, I would take something without paying for it' - 'if no one saw me, i would not take something without paying for it' - 'if nobody sees me, I'd do it' -T will write a answer on the board to elicit the meaning of second conditional through CCQ's - did I do such thing? (no) - is this something real or hypothetical? (hypothetical) - would I do it in the future? (maybe) -T will then elicit the form and write it on the board if + subject + past simple, would + base verb CCQ's - is it about the past? (no) - is it something that could happen now? (yes) - is it something that could happen in the future? (yes) Then T will write the other way of using second conditional on the board,which will be: "I would take something without paying for it if no one saw me" on the board T will show to the SS that it's only the layout of the sentence that have changed Finally T will drill pronunciation stressing and identifying the intonation.

Stage 4 (Clarification of the meaning & form) (3-4 minutes) • To check if the SS have understood the meaning and form of second conditional correctly

- T will give HO1 and provide the instructions, SS will complete rules with the words in the box in 2 min - at this stage the SS will strengthen their understanding of the meaning and form of second conditional - When they're done, they'll check the answers in pairs and T will elicit the answers

Stage 5 (controlled listening activity) (4-5 minutes) • controlled listening for gist

- T will give out the HO2 which is a conversation and ask the SS to look at it to become familiar. - Then T will give the instructions, for them to listen carefully and fill in the blanks - T will ask them to check answers in pairs + elicit the answers - T will then make them listen to the recording again asking them to pay attention on the pronunciation this time especially on the word: would - Once did, T will ask and elicit answers about the intonation of the conversation

Stage 6 (controlled practice - gap filling) (5-6 minutes) • The SS will practice work on both ways of second conditional along with different forms of verbs

- T will introduce the HO3, point to where the hypothetical sentences are and point to where the verbs are - T will then explain that they should read the sentence and fill in the gaps with correct form of verbs in 4 minutes - Once done, T will ask the SS to check their answers in pairs and T will nominate answers from SS.

Stage 7 (freer practice) (10-12 minutes) • controlled speaking practice (after the aims are completed) in order to demonstrate the pronunciation and develop productive skills in general

- T will introduce the HO4 for the speaking activity - T will say here are several questions, when I say so you will stand and ask each other one question 'What would you do if ...' get the answer and move on. - T will say "try to make the answers hypothetical / unreal and fun!" - Then T will point out to the first dilemma and demonstrate. - Then T will give out the HO and ask them to mingle - T will nominate SS to elicit some answers they got and which dilemmas were the most difficult?

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