Nataliya Demchuk Nataliya Demchuk

Family & Friends. Colours
Elementary level


In this lesson, students learn colours through guided discovery based on reading and listening text about Scottish clans and their tartans


Abc Flags flashcards
Abc Colours flashcards
Abc Handout
Abc Sound recording
Abc Sound recording

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of colours in the context of family clans in Scotland

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson Ss will have been practiced reading and listening for gist and for detail


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To engage the students with the topic of colors and clans by introducing it to them

The teacher shows flashcards of flags of countries the students will know (including Turkey) and thus can recognise them. When showing a flag, the teacher asks students about colors of the flag (eg What colours are on the French flag? Which flag is red and white?). Those flags may be French, Italian, German, Brazilian, Turkish, Scottish. The Scottish flag comes the last one as this would lead to the topic of clans in Scotland

Pre-Listening (5-7 minutes) • To pre-teach students or revise vocabulary they may need to complete the next listening task

The teacher shows flashcards with different colours and writes the colours' names on the board, leaving blanks for the vowls. The teacher nominates students to come up to the board and fill in the blanks for one word each. The teacher checks the answers with class and corrects where needed. Those colours are red, blue, yellow, green, black, white, grey, brown, orange.

Listening for Detail (3-7 minutes) • To practise listening for detail in the given context of different colours used for tartans

Before starting the task, the teacher brefly explains what tartan is. The teacher asks students to look and the picture of tartans and to listen to the descriptions of their colours. When students listen to the text, they should mark the number the pictures in the order they hear them. As the listening complete, students check their answers in pairs. Open class feedback

Pre-Listening (7-10 minutes) • To introduce the concept of clans to the students, to introduce the vocabulary students may need for this activity

The teacher tells the students about the family clans in Scotland (text "Clans" on p.33). As the teacher comes to a new word, he/she explains this word to students, models and drills the pronunciation and then writes this word on the board. Those words are - Clan (a big family, a historical family group) - Gaelic (the old Scottish language) - material (different things they use) - tartan (a special material, which they use to make clothes) - kilt (a special skirt that Scottish men wear) - occasions (special days or holidays or festivals) To check understanding, the teacher asks class the following questions and receives WC FB during it: 1. Is clan a type of family group or work group? (Family group) 2. Are all Scottish people part of a clan? (no) 3. Is tartan a special food? (no) 4. Do Scottish people wear kilts on special occasions? (yes) To introduce Scottish cities to students, the teacher asks them if they know any cities in Scotland? Do they know that the capital of Scotland is Edinburg? Do they know about the other two famous cities in Scotland - Glasgow and Dundee? As the students answer, the teacher drill the pronunciation of the cities' names and then writes them on board.

Listening for Gist (2-4 minutes) • To practise listening for gist in the context

The teacher tells the students to listen to the recording and to answer the questions on the board: - How many people are speaking? - Is this an interview? - Where are these people from? The students check their answers in pairs. Open class feedback.

Listening for Detail (5-7 minutes) • To practise listening for detail in the given context

The teacher shows students a table in the handout and gives the instruction to listen to the text one more time and circle the corect answer in the table. After that students check their answers in pairs. Open class feedback.

Speaking (5-8 minutes) • To practise speaking in pairs/small groups in the given context

The teacher talks to the whole class and asks them about anything special in their own families, their heritage, no open feedback is expected at this stage. The teacher gives instruction to students to tell their partner about it in pairs. Few minutes later they switch pairs.

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