Mahmoud Dahman Mahmoud Dahman

Teaching Practice 3
Elementary level


In this lesson, students review and practice using yes/no questions with do and does in the context of family. This lesson starts with a questionnaire in which students ask and answer questions to practice yes/no questions. This is followed by eliciting stage where the teacher uses the questionnaire to clarify how we form present simple questions with do and does. Next, students do two controlled practice activities where they fill in gaps with do and does and rearrange words to make correct sentences. After that, the teacher highlights the intonation of yes/no questions; students listen and repeat. Finally students do a semi-structured mingling activity where they ask questions and write their partners' names.


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Main Aims

  • To provide review and practice of yes/no questions with do and does in the context of family

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of family


Lead-in (9-10 minutes) • To introduce the grammar of 'do' and 'does' in yes/no questions and give students the chance to practice it

I will give students a questionnaire. They should answer the first 10 questions then ask and answer these with a partner. After that they have to complete the next questions 11-15 with a verb and write their own questions 16-20. Then they work with a different partner to ask and answer questions 11-20. When students have finished, they report back to the class.

Language Analysis (6-7 minutes) • To help students review the MFP of do/don't/does/doesn't

I will write yes/no questions of the board. Highlight the meaning by asking CCQs and then focus on form. Finally I will model and drill the pronunciation of the target language .

Grammar: Controlled Practice Ex 1 (5-6 minutes) • To enable students review and use do/don't/does/doesn't accurately.

Students do exercise 1 on p. 33 in which they have to complete sentences with do/don't/does/doesn't. Once they have finished, they check answers with their partners and then one student goes to the board to complete the first sentence and nominates another one to continue.

Grammar: Controlled Practice Ex2 (4-5 minutes) • To enable students focus on the order of yes/no questions.

Students have to do exercise 2 on p. 33 in which they have to put words in the correct order to make questions. Then they check answers with their partners before they listen to the correct order.

Pronunciation Ex 1 (3-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the rising intonation in yes/no questionis

Students read and listen to a model sentence on p. 33 and on the board and try to figure out if the intonation rises or falls at the end of the question. Then I will model and drill chorally and individually.

Pronunciation: Controlled Practice Ex2 (3-4 minutes) • To enable students practice saying yes/no questions with a correct rising intonation.

In this exercise, students listen again and repeat the questions in Grammar exercise 2. Then I will nominate students individually to read the sentences.

Follow-up Activity (9-11 minutes) • To enable students to practice the target language in a speaking activity.

The speaking exercise on p. 33 is quite easy for the students. Therefore, they will have a more challenging exercise that includes yes/no and Wh questions in which they have to answer questions about themselves and then the mingle around class and find someone who is like them. Finally, I will write some language chunks on the board to correct and reformulate with the whole class.

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