Ezgi Ozsalih Ezgi Ozsalih

TP 5a, News in brief
Intermediate, B1 level


In this lesson students will begin the lesson with a lead in on crime pages of newspapers. Then, they will read for the gist, reading text, news in brief. There are six stories with which students will match the headings given. Next, they will talk about the stories they like best. Following the stage, for controlled practice, some definitions will be given to the students and they will complete them with the highlighted words from the stories. The teacher will clarify the meanings of some new words from the stories and the students will complete three more news stories with the words given. With the word, they will do more controlled practice from the workbook. In the end, as a semi-controlled spoken practice, T will give the students some topics and they will talk about them in groups of three.


Abc Gap-fill handout
Abc Match the stories with headlines
Abc Three more stories
Abc Speaking Cards

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of crime words in the context of crime news

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and inference reading practice using a text about crime stories in the context of news


Warmer/ Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set the lesson context and engage the students in the lesson

T sticks some pages from newspapers on the WB. T asks the students where they may have been taken from and for the answer of newspaper, T asks which section of the newspaper they may have been taken from. They will try to give answers to the questions. Feedback: T will elicit and write the correct answer on the board.

Reading for gist (4-6 minutes) • To provide students with a less challenging task

T will hand out the "News in brief" text to the students. Students look at the pictures at first and make some predictions about the context. Then they will read for the gist to match the given headings with the stories in 3 minutes as they will not be doing a detailed reading, At this stage, T will not disturb the students. After they finish reading and match the headings with the stories, they will work in pairs to check if their answers are the same. Feedback: Elicit the answers from students. CCQ: Are newspaper headlines full sentences? No. Can we use one word as a headline? Yes. T will point out that newspaper headlines are rarely full sentences. They usually encapsulate in a few words the main features of the story.

Speaking #1 (3-5 minutes) • To provide the students with speaking fluency practice.

Students will work in groups of three. They are going to tell each other which stories they like best and why. Then, T will ask some of them to explain their partners' choices. Feedback: If there are any mitakes, T will correct them after talking about the choices of students.

Focus on Vocabulary (inference) (3-5 minutes) • To provide the students with the definitions of the highlighted words through inference

Students will be given worksheet on the definitions of highlighted words. They will try to infer the meaning of the words from the text and write the correct word in the correct place. If there are some that they cannot, T will help with the clarification. They will work in pairs to check their answers. Feedback: T will write the answers on the board and clarify the words in terms of meaning, form and pronunciation.

Clarification of new vocabulary (5-7 minutes) • To provide the students with the meaning, form and pronunciation of new words

T will write some new words on the board. Students may know some of them already so T may elicit their meaning from the students but for the rest of them, clarification will be needed. T will use some pictures and definitions to clarify the meaning. Then, T will give some details by asking CCQs like "What does a burglar do?" "What does a thief do?" Are a burglar and a thief the same?". Lastly, T will focus on pronunciation and drilling.

Controlled vocabulary practice #2 (5-6 minutes) • To provide the students with more controlled vocabulary practice.

Students will be given a handout with the new words from ex.1 on it and with three crime stories. Students will use the words from the stories in ex. 1 to complete the three stories. They will work in pairs to complete the stories and check with another pair. Feedback: T will elicit the answers from the students to also check if there are any problems with the meaning, form and pronunciation.

Controlled vocabulary practice (3-5 minutes) • To provide students with more vocabulary practice

Students will be given a handout on which there are exercises about the vocabulary they have just learnt. They will work individually, answer the questions and check the answers with their partners again. Feedback: Answer sheet.

Semi-controlled spoken practice (4-5 minutes) • To let the students use the vocabulary they have learnt during the lesson in a semi-controlled task

Students will be given some time to talk about interesting crime news they know about with their partners. They will be divided into groups of three, they will discuss and tell each other`s stories to the class.

Speaking for fluency (semi-controlled spoken practice) (4-5 minutes) • To make the students practice speaking fluency

T will give some topics to students after dividing them into groups again. They will discuss and come up with their ideas about `reasons for crime`, `what can be done to avoid crime?` etc.

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