ayoub ayoub

Teaching practice 5
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will be exposed to frequency adverbs & phrases used in the context of daily routines. The teacher will first pave the way for this his lesson by talking about things he does on a regular basis using some of the target language. Students will then have more exposure to the language through a listening exercise. After that, they will have the chance to learn the meaning, form, and pronunciation of the target language. The next two stages will be in form of controlled and semi-controlled activities which will definitely give them more chance to practice what they learnt earlier in the lesson. The last activity is rather a relaxed one where students get to stand up and walk around and ask questions to find out about things their peers usually/always/never do.


Abc Matching exercise.

Main Aims

  • To explain the meaning, form and pronunciation of adverbs and phrases of frequency and encourage students to practice them as much as possible.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice speaking by asking questions using how often and answering them.
  • To practice listening for adverbs of frequency used in the context of daily routines.


Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • My aim is to pave the way for my lesson and get students to notice some of the target language

Teachers will introduce himself and talk about things he does on a regular basis and tell students that he would like to find out about things that they do regularly. He then explains that they will receive strips of papers each and that they need to match them to come up with complete sentences that describe things they do everyday, things they do twice a week, etc. After giving instructions, teacher distributes the strips of paper and monitor students to see if they are on task. Once they are done, he gets some feedback and moves to the next stage.

Exposure (4-6 minutes) • To get students to further notice the target language (Adverbs of frequency in this case)

The teacher explains that he will play an audio and that students need to listen carefully and fill in the gaps in exercise 1. He chests the exercise and distributes the handout. He then plays the first sentence and make sure students get the instructions. After they are done, the teacher gets some feedback and gives them the answer key.

Clarifying the meaning form and pronunciation of the target language. (4-6 minutes) • To help students understand the meaning and form of the target language and encourage them to pronounce the words correctly.

Once the listening exercise is over, the teacher writes the key words on the white board and explain the meaning and form of each item. After students understand the meaning and form, the teacher drills the adverbs of frequency and get the students to pronounce them correctly.

Controlled practice (5-7 minutes) • To get students to practice the target language using the adverbs of frequency they learnt.

Teacher explains to students that now that they learnt some adverbs of frequency they need to put them in sentences so that the sentences are true for them. He then does the first example as a kind of demonstration so that he is sure most of them are on the same page. After he is done giving instructions, he distributes the handouts and tell students that they have five minuted to do it. Once done, the teacher asks them to check with their partners then gets feedback from them.

Frequency phrases (4-6 minutes) • The aim is to work on the meaning, form and pronunciation of certain frequency phrases.

The teacher writes some frequency phrases and explains the meaning and form then works with students on pronunciation using some back chain drilling.

Controlled practice (4-6 minutes) • The aim is to get students to practice the target language they learnt earlier in the lesson.

The teacher tells students that now that they know frequency phrases they have to use them. He explain their task which is mainly to rewrite 5 sentences using the phrases in the box and ask them to work in pairs. He then distributes the handouts and tell them that they have 4 minutes to do so. After they are done, he gets their feedback and move to the next stage.

Semi-controlled practice (4-6 minutes) • The aim is to encourage students to form question using How often.

The teacher elicits answers to how do we ask questions if we want to know how many times people do something. He then explain exercise number four and tells them to work on it in pairs. Before they start the teacher helps the with the first question as a kind of demo. After they are done, he gets their feedback and proceeds to the final stage.

Freer activity (4-6 minutes) • The aim is to encourage students to speak using the target language.

The teacher gives instructions on how to do exercise five. He makes sure that everybody understood the task by doing a demonstration. After they are done, he gets feedback from them and wraps up the lesson by thanking them.

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