Mahmoud Dahman Mahmoud Dahman

Teacher Practice 1
Elementary level


In this lesson, students review and practice prepositions in the context of a cities and countries. This lesson starts with a grammar exercise about prepositions used with cities and regions. This is followed by a semi-controlled practice activity in which students complete sentences about themselves and then they tell their partners. Finally there is a listening activity for specific information followed by a speaking activity about the students' personal lives.


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Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson students will have reviewed and practiced prepositions in the context of cities and countries

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson students will have practiced speaking for fluency


Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To enable students use prepositions about cities and regions correctly

I will introduce the grammar in a guided discovery exercise. I am going to write some sentences with gaps and students should complete them with the correct preposition.

Grammar Box (2-4 minutes) • To help students learn how to use prepositions of cities and regions correctly.

Students read the grammar point in the grammar box. Teacher asks CCQs to make sure students understand the rules.

Ex 1 (4-6 minutes) • To give students the chance to practice the grammar point in a controlled-practice activity

Students complete a dialogue with from, near, or in.

Ex 2 (5-6 minutes) • To enable students to practice using prepositions in semi-controlled activity

Students complete the information about themselves and then they tell one another.

EX 1 P. 139 (3-5 minutes) • To give students the chance to choose the correct preposition through a short reading text

Students read a short texts with alternatives and they have to choose the correct one.

Ex 2 P. 139 (6-8 minutes) • To enable students practice using prepositions in a semi-controlled speaking activity

Students read an example of the target language and then they change the information to talk about themselves in pairs.

Listening EX 1 (3-4 minutes) • To help students develop their listening for specific information

Students listen to a conversation and cross out the words they don't hear.

Speaking Ex 2 (5-7 minutes) • To enable students practice using prepositions in a semi-controlled speaking activity

Students work in pairs to talk about themselves using the listening text as a model.

Speaking activity as a time filler (10-12 minutes) • To enable students to talk about their familhy and firends using prepositions and lexis about cities and regions

I will write five names on the board as a demonstration to the activity. Students should ask me questions about those people. They should start with 'who is...? and then 'what' where' etc. Next students do the same and ask and answer about their family and friends. In this activity, students have the chance to practice using present simple with he and she as well as prepositions used with cities and regions.

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