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Telling the time, TP 4
Elementary, A2 level


In that lesson, students learn telling the time, collocations and daily life activities. T starts the lesson by eliciting and wants them to understand the task. In addition to do T wants them to use the structures in their real life. T then teaches collocations that they are familiar with most them After giving the pronunciation task, T divides the class into pairs and wants them to ask questions about other students life. They are asking questions to each other. In tha last section, there is a writing activity. T wants them to write "a day". As a final. T wants them to mingle and talk about their daily activities.


Abc HO-1 fill in the blanks and T/F
Abc HO-2
Abc HO-3
Abc Clock
Abc HO-4
Abc HO-5
Abc projector
Abc white-board
Abc Watch
Abc mp-3

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson students would have learnt some vocabulary about time expressions and collacations

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson SS will practice productive skills with listening and speaking. They will be able to understand time expressions and they will be able to give accurate answers.


Warmer/Lead-in (0-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

At the beginning of the lesson I will greet my students, "Good morning, hope you are doing well". Then, teacher is going to lead in her class only by eliciting because T wants to take SS interest. I divide the class into pairs. Then I will show my watch and ask "What time is it?". After getting the correct answer I will use the clock and ask them "What time is it?". After getting the correct answer I will ask one volunteer to write the answer on the board. After giving 4 examples, I will say "excellant" and begin to talk.

Leading activity (0-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

I will divide the class into 4 groups. I will turn on the projector and say "Look at the board now. What time is it?". I will point to every group in row and want them to answer the question and write the answer on the board. It will affect them in a positive way because they will see the question and come to the board and write the answer (kinesthetic). After then, I will give HO-1 and say them to fill in the blanks. After they finish writing, I will show the board and ask to come to the board and write the answer.

Listening Task (7 minutes) • To set the context and engage students

In that step, I will give them HO-2 and tell them to listen to the audio carefully and draw an hour-hand and minute hand. To make my instruction clear, I will draw an hour-hand and a minute hand. After they finish listening, I will ask them to discuss their answers and swap their answers with other groups.

Vocabulary (0-7 minutes) • Understanding the meaning

In that stage, we are going to see the collocations. First of all T changes the groups. I will give some examples from real life that it can be easier to understand this part. T tells them "They are always together. For example: fish and chips, cigarette and coffee, cinema and pop corn." teacher gives them HO-3 and waits them to discuss and think together. After then, I will turn on the projector and want them to write the correct answers on the board.

Pronunciation (7 minutes) • Drill

T shows the pronunciations of some words like "have, get, wake, go" after then T says "repeat after me" and drills. Then, the T gives HO-4 and wants them to discuss with their firends and put the words into correct column in HO-4. In that step we are going to use the projector again. After they finish the activity, they come to the board and write the answers on the board. .

Controlled avtivity (7 minutes) • Speaking

First of all, T says "Sit properly and listen to me carefully." Then T teacher demonstrates daily routines and says "Everyday, I wake up at 7 o'clock. I wash my face and change ny clothes. I have my breakfast at 8 o'clock. etc."Then gives HO-5 and wants them to speak with their partners.

Free activity (8 minutes) • Writing

In that stage, T wants them to write their daily rouitine. After they finish writing, T wants them to stand up and talk with their friends (mingiling).

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