Basak Basak

Assessed TP 6
Beginner level


In this lesson, students learn about question words through a travel quiz. The lesson starts with showing a picture of a quiz show in Turkey to introduce the word ‘quiz’. Then some pictures are posted on the WB for sts to match them with some words so pre-teaching vocabulary part is presented through those pictures. After the travel quiz show, the question words are highlighted with some additonal infomation. It is followed by an exercise to get sts to practise question words in groups. Finally students ask the questions from the previous exercise together with some extra ones to the students from the other group.


Abc The Travel Quiz
Abc Choose the correct question word

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of question words in the context of a travel quiz

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide controlled speaking practice to develop accuracy and fluency


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set the context of a quiz show and get sts interested

T. shows a picture of a famous quiz show and elicits what it is. T. asks some questions related with quiz shows.She tells sts that they are going to do a quiz show.

Vocabulary (5-7 minutes) • To assess prior knowledge of certain words related with the quiz show and pre-teach some words

T. posts some pictures related to the quiz show that will be in the following stage on the WB and asks sts to match them with the words which are ‘the moon, Beijing, Titanic, Christopher Columbus, an island, a mountain, a cab’. Then she elicits some words by using the pictures on WB together with some other techniques. After checking meaning, she does drilling practice together with marking stress.

The Travel Quiz (6-8 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

T. divides the class into two groups to create a competetive atmosphere. After she gives them the instructions,she hands out the travel quiz with their backs up and gets them to start at the same time. Sts answer the questions of the travel quiz in their groups quietly so the other group members can’t hear them. When time is up, T. writes the answers on the WB. T. asks sts to look at the questions again and elicits from sts the name of the bold words at the beginning of each question; question words.

Language Analysis (5-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the task language

T. posts the Wh- questions and the things they ask about on the WB. Then she asks them to match. After giving some information about 'What time', answer form of 'Why' and the usage of 'How many' with some CCQs, she does some drilling exercise with these question words.

Language Practice (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

There is no need to pre-teach any vocabulary before the following exercise. T. divides the sts into two groups and tells them she is going to give a HO on which there are 8 questions. She does the example questions on the WB and hands them out. After they finish the exercise, they check their answers with their peers in their group. T. goes through the answers as WC and deals with the mistakes.

Productive Task (7-9 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills through speaking

T. asks a student from group A and one student from group B to come to WB and gets one of them to ask a question from their list to the other student. At this point, T. encourages sts to ask extra questions by eliciting some after giving some clues if needed. Sts mingle and ask a student from the other group his/her questions. Finally T. nominates some of the sts to talk about what they learnt from their friends.

IF TIME ACTIVITY (5-7 minutes) • To give sts further practice in speaking for accuracy

T. asks sts to prepare a quiz question in pairs to ask to the WC to get them to practise asking questions.

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