Ezgi Ozsalih Ezgi Ozsalih

TP 4a, Reading Lesson
Beginner, A1 level


In this lesson, students will practise jigsaw reading task, speaking fluency and grammar in the context of dogs and jobs. In the lead-in stage, they will brainstorm about dogs and thier jobs. Following this, there will be pre-reading, while-reading, speaking, grammar and speaking stages respectively. Pre-reading stage will be on teaching any necessary vocabulary. In the while-reading stage, students will be divided into two groups as Milo and Bertie to deal with seperate texts about Milo and Bertie. For speaking stage, they will match with someone from the other group and sit together to talk about each other's dog by using the questions on their HOs. They will review the question form of present simple tense and make questions with the words in ex.3 in the grammar stage and lastly they will again match as Milo and Bertie to answer the questions they made.


Main Aims

  • To provide jigsaw reading practice using a text about dogs and jobs in the context of a dog's life.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review of Present simple Yes/ No questions in the context of a dog's life


Warmer/ Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set the context of the reading and get the students interested in the topic.

T will start the lesson with the question of "Do you like dogs?" and go on asking about dogs to get the attention of the students. T will lead the students to think about dogs and their jobs to elicit the answers for the question of "what jobs do the dogs do?". T will draw a mind map in the middle of the board. Trying to elicit, T will write on the board some jobs that dogs are doing. T will also put some pictures for the dogs doing jobs because it may be difficult for the students to guess the meaning without pictures.

Pre-reading (6-8 minutes) • To provide the students with the meanings of any necessary vocabulary

T will teach the meanings of necessary words with different ways. T will teach some of them by giving examples and some of them with antonyms and some of them with pictures. After T does the drilling with the students, they will be given will be given a matching worksheet to practise the meaning of the words. They will work in pairs and check their answers with another pair. Then, T will write the answers on the board as feedback after getting the correct answers from the students.

While-reading #1 (3-5 minutes) • To make the students read the text for scanning

As it is a jigsaw task, T will divide the class into two as Milos and Berties, the names of the dogs in each text. The students will be given different texts according to their group names; the text about Milo to group Milo, and the text about Bertie is to group Bertie. On their sheet, they will also have the questions of ex. 2 which are about not only Milo but also Bertie. At first, T will say "fold your sheet" and "look at the pictures" by showing them how to do. They will fold their sheet and look only at the pictures. T will ask "What job does Milo/ Bertie do?" For clarifying this, T can ask an ICQ " Is it a sheep dog?" They will try to guess what job their dog is doing by looking at the pictures. Then, they will read to check if they are right in their predictions. They will check the answers with the teacher.

While-reading #2 (6-8 minutes) • To make the students read for details ( detailed/intensive reading).

In this stage, T will say " Read the text again." "Answer the questions". Students will read the text for a second time and try to answer the questions about their dogs in ex. 2. They will read individually but they will work in pairs (with a person from their own group) to answer the questions. When they answer the questions, they will check their answers with another partner. T will be monitoring during the stage of working in pairs to see how they are doing the activity, or if they are clear about what to do. Feedback: T will tell the students to turn the page to see the correct answers.

Speaking #1 (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with speaking fluency practice with their partners

In this stage, students in different groups will work with someone from the other group. To clarify what the students will do, T will do a demo and say "Take your sheet", " Find a partner from the other group". To check if they understand the instructions, T will ask Milos and Berties seperately: "Will you work with a Milo or a Bertie?" as an ICQ. They should say a different name from theirs. Students will find a partner. Next, T explains that they are going to ask about each other's dogs and write the answers on their sheet. T will give an example of this with a strong students from the class. . Then, they will practice speaking fluency about their dogs by asking and answering the questions in ex. 2 to each other.

Grammar (4-6 minutes) • To provide the students with a review of present simple yes/no questions

In this stage, students will work with a partner to make questions in present simple tense in grammar ex 1. T will give examples for the questions and then students will do the rest of the exercise. T will monitor to see if they are doing well or if there are any grammatical mistakes.Then the students will check their answers in groups of three.

Speaking #2 (3-5 minutes) • To provide the students with speaking fluency practice on present simple.

In this stage, T choose a student and ask him/her "Are you a Milo or Bertie?" According to the student's answer, T will say the opposite and will want him/her to find his/her Milo or Bertie. A Milo and a Bertie will work together again as partners. They will ask and answer the questions in exercise 1 to each other. T will monitor the students to hear if they are using the TL correctly. If not, for feedback T will take some notes and focus on them to correct the mistakes.

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