Aysegul Esmer Aysegul Esmer

Animal Farm
Beginner level


In this lesson, the Ss will be exposed to reading language within the context of an "Animal Farm". Throughout the lesson, they will be practicing before-reding, while-reading and after-reading activities.


Abc Animal Farm Poster
Abc HO for the subject guessing
Abc Letter flashcards
Abc Color flashcards
Abc Cut-ups
Abc HO for the matching activity

Main Aims

  • To develop the students' reading skills within the context of an Animal Farm and ask them to apply the text into the HO given by coloring animals with the appropriate colors.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide the students with lexis of unfamiliar animals and reviewing their previous knowledge of colors, letters and animal vocabulary.


Lead-In (5-6 minutes) • To make the students guess about the subject of the lesson

- T puts up a poster on the WB and tells the Ss that "It's a farm." - T shows the Ss the poster and asks the ss to look and tell the different animals they see. - The familiar animal names will be elicited from the Ss that way and the vocabulary to be pre-taught in the coming stage will be determined. - The T pairs the Ss and gives the "Guess the subject" HO with 3 alternatives, asking the Ss to put it upside down and asks them to circle the correct subject without showing the other ss. 1) Shopping 2) Classroom 3) Animals -The ss show their reply, when the teacher says "Show your answers". WC feedback on "Animals" as the children check the answer is the same.

Revision of previous Vocabulary (5-6 minutes) • To review the color words and letters they have learned

- The T will stick the first 10 letters and the colors to be used in the while reading activity on the walls. . a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j . black, white, orange, red, grey, brown, yellow -Play "Run and Touch" and review pronunciation along the way.

Pre-teaching vocabulary (5-6 minutes) • To introduce Ss with unfamiliar animal names.

- The T shows the new animal vocabulary to the Ss and try to elicit if of the ss know about them. If not, she will show from the poster and choral drill the pronunciation. . spider, chicken, goat, sheep, duck, cow - The T then checks with the Ss showing different animals and letting the Ss reply with Y/ raise both hands and N/ shaking of the head from side to side

Before Reading Activity (5-6 minutes) • To get prepared for the while-reading activity by checking meaning of the letters and animals on the poster

- The T demonstrates the 1st matching activity on the board for the Ss to work individually and then passes out the HO for the matching of animals to letters - When the Ss are finished the T asks them to check in pairs after demonstarating with one of the Ss, so the feedback is done by peer checking

While Reading Activity (7-9 minutes) • To do scan-reading for specific information

- The Reading slips are sticked to the walls of the classroom - The ss go and read them and color the animal in the poster according to what they have read with the colored pencils provided by the teacher. - Pairwork for checking after all the ss have completed the task.

After-reading Activity (7-9 minutes) • To extend the reading activity with different questions

-The T groups the children in another way for them to interact with other students diving them into 2 groups of pink and purple. - The T gives papers upside down to the newly formed groups and asks one of the s to help demonstrate the coming activity. - The S1 will ask the Question1 by reading from the paper, S2 will reply and they will switch the roles for the coming question

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