Roadeh Roadeh

Raodeh Nakawh TP2
Beginners level


In this lesson, students will learn some adjectives and their opposites to describe people, places and things. They will see some pictures and try to describe them by using a certain word. They will learn later on that these words are adjectives. They will try to give the opposites of each one by looking at other pictures. They will also learn how to put adjectives in their correct places in sentences ( after the verb to be and before a noun). They will also learn that adjectives can't be used in the plural form. They will learn how to use an adjective with "very" in a sentence.


Abc A PowerPoint presentation with some pictures about things and things to teach adjectives and their
Abc Worksheets with exercises from the coursebook (Face to Face Starter, Unit 3, Cambridge Univers Pr

Main Aims

  • To present and practice adjectives and to focus on word order with adjectives in the context of describing places and people.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give students controlled speaking for accuracy.


Warmer / Lead in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students.

T. divides the class into two groups, then she writes some numbers on the board and asks students to count starting from the number they see in different ways. A group will count count 10/ 10 e.g 10/ 20/30/40/ etc. till 100. The other team will 5 / 5 like 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / etc till 50.The group which counts correctly and fast will be the winner.

Pre- teaching vocabulary (5-8 minutes) • To check students prior knowledge of some vocabulary and to prepare them to learn some adjectives.

T. shows students a PowerPoint presentation which has pictures of some people and things. T. asks students to work in pairs and say what they can see in each picture. e.g ( a big tree) T. writes down the word "big " on the board and so on till she writes one adjective for each picture. T. asks students to repeat these words after her to practice pronunciation. T.asks students work in pairs to use these adjectives in any context. T. listens to some sentences randomly for WCF.

Introducing vocabulary ( opposite adjectives) (4-7 minutes) • To help students learn opposites

T. asks students to work in pairs and try to form a negative sentence to elicit the opposite of the adjectives on the board. e.g St. A. It's a big tree. No, it's small. T. drills pronunciation with students. T. distributes a handout about adjectives and their opposites and asks students to match each adjective with its opposite individually. T. asks students to do a pair check. WCF T. shows the powerpoint presentation again to refer to the opposite of those adjectives. T. asks a student to say a sentence with an adjective and another one with its opposites.

Checking Students' understanding of vocabulary (5-10 minutes) • To check students understanding of the meaning of some adjectives

T. writes a sentence on the board, e.g Sara is my friend. She is friendly. T. asks some CCQs to check students' understanding of the meaning of friendly. e.g 1- Do friends help each other? Are they nice to each other? Do they hate each other? No, they don't hate each other. They are nice and friendly to each other. e.g 2- Do you like babies? Are babies cute and lovely? yes, they are beautiful. Is a witch lovely? Do you like to see a witch? is she scary? She is ugly. eg. 3- Can anyone buy a big house? No. Can anyone have a notebook? Yes. It's cheap e.g 4- Can all people buy a Ferrari car? Who can buy it? Why? It's expensive. T. drills these adjectives with the students for WCF.

Introducing Grammar (5-10 minutes) • To focus on word order with adjectives.

T. asks students to think of simple sentences with adjectives. Students work in pairs and give examples. T. writes an example on the board: The class is big. My car is new. The Nile River is long. T. underlines the adjectives in these sentences and asks students if they can write them differently. T. writes an example on the board: It's a big class. Then she asks students to work in pairs to practice doing the same orally. T. distributes a worksheet with some examples and students work in pairs to do it. T. asks two students to practice saying these sentences for WCF.

Introducing Grammar (5-10 minutes) • To use "very" with adjectives

T. draws two pictures of thermometers with two different temperatures and asks students to compare. They'll say "very hot' T. drills some examples with students orally then hands out a worksheet about the same rule students arrange some sentences with ( very + adjectives) individually. Then they check their answers in pairs. .

Speaking Practice (5 minutes) • To practice using adjectives and their opposites

T. Writes some adjectives on the board and asks each pair of students to form a positive sentence with an adjective and the other student gives the opposite of it in any way. eg. My test mark is good. No, your test mark is bad. Your room is dirty. No, my room is clean.

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