emineboz emineboz

Bed and Breakfast
Elementary level


In this lesson students learn about the things at home. The lesson starts with checking the background knowledge of the students' on parts of the house. The teacher uses authentic material (showing some photos of her home) to engage students. Then the teacher presents the target vocabulary (+adding some more words) by using MPF. This is followed by a controlled activity which is matching the pictures to the words. After that, there is a game called Stop The Bus , where students use the target vocabulary . After this game there is a more challenging game called "word challenge". In this game sts will use the definitions and try to guess what they are. As freer practice four groups will draw houses and talk about them. If there is time, there will be an activity about written forms of the target vocabulary.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of parts of the house, things in a house in the context of bed and breakfast

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a giving information in the context of real estate agency


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Say : "I come from Çanakkale. I am staying in Bursa because I'm taking CELTA course. It's been two weeks and I miss my home so much". Uses ppt. Says : "I have a tiny little cute flat. This is my home". Checks the background knowledge of the students on parts of the house. On the powerpoint students can see the words sitting room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and balcony.

Presentation (7-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

The teacher presents the vocabulary : bath, cooker, couch/sofa, cupboard, fridge, lamp, armchair,shelf,shower, toilet, wardrobe from the book + extra vocabulary: mirror, microwave, dishwasher and washing machine. Uses visuals on ppt, models and drills, shows the written form and phonetics.(MPF) If necessary uses CCQs for the most challenging words such as shelf - "Can you put your books on it? Can you see it on the wall?" mirror - "Can you see yourself in it?" Starts the powerpoint from the very beginning and checks the understanding of students.

Practice (4-5 minutes) • to provide students to use the target vocabulary in a controlled way

Teacher gives instructions for Activity 1 on the handout. Showing the handout says : "There are some words and pictures. Match the words with the pictures. For example "bath" is "picture i". Now you do the others." Distributes the handouts. Starts the actvity. Students check the answers in pairs. Then they listen to the track and check their answers.

Controlled Practice (6-7 minutes) • To make students to use the target vocabulary

Stop the Bus is a vocabulary game. Students will write something in the kitchen, sitting room, bedroom and bathroom. The teacher says : "Let's play "Stop the bus". But what does that mean? Let me explain. Shows the handout and says : "There are four columns on this paper. That means there will be four groups. One person will be the writer and the others will help her/him. You will write one thing for each space.First group to finish will get a point ." Groups the students gives them the handouts. Starts the activity. Elicits the answers. Students read out their answers to other groups. They agree or disagree. At the end of the game the teacher gives full written form of the chart.

Controlled Practice (9-10 minutes) • to provide students to get involved in a fun vocabulary activity

Word Challenge : The teacher displays the target vocabulary visuals on the board. Gives each group a definition. (one at a time) Two students from each group listens to the definition read by their group members. Runs and takes the referring picture from the board. Get one point if first to finish. The teacher puts pictures of the target vocabulary words on the board and says : "Now let's play a more challenging game. Two groups. Pictures on the wall." Invites a student to demonstrate the activity. Shows the definition cards and reads the first out. Runs to the board and takes the referring picture.

Free Practice (11-12 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

The teacher shows a picture of a happy couple and a real estate agent in front of a house and asks : "The woman is talking on the phone with her mother. She is very happy. Why do you think she is happy?" Elicits the answers. Asks: "Who do you think the man is? Does he sell something?" If necessary uses CCQ : "Does he sell cars?" Models the word "real estate agent", drills (choral and individually), shows the written form. (MPF) After being sure about the understanding of the students' the teacher shows a card (on it "real estate agent" is written) says : "I am a real estate agent". Shows a picture of a house and says : "I'm selling this house". Talks about the house using the speaking prompts. Shows the big house posters and says : "You will draw your dream house in groups of four. And be the real estate agents and talk about the houses. " After you finish drawing, please take a picture of the house on your mobile phone". The teacher groups the students (A,B,C,D). They start to draw. After finishing drawing, the teacher regroups them (AAAA,BBBB,CCCC,DDDD) .Gives them useful speaking prompts to use. Monitors each group. If necessary the teacher uses error correction for accuracy. If there is time students play a spelling game. The teacher gives the letters of the words randomly. Plays on the music, gives 15 seconds, students write the word down before the teacher stops the music. The first group to finish gets 2 points, others get 1 point if their answers are correct.

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