Ratri Inastu Ardiningrum Ratri Inastu Ardiningrum

Elementary level


In this lesson, students will learn about adjectives to describe a place and intensifiers: quite, really and very. This lesson will be divided into 4 stages. In stage one, students will have a warmer activity where students need to tell the opposite adjectives that the teacher presents. The second stage will highlight the intensifiers (quite, really and very) and combine them with the adjectives to describe a place. Third stage will give more practice of using intensifiers and adjective through a pair work activity of completing short dialogues. Fourth stage will give students an opportunity to personalise the target language through a mingle activity. Students will share their opinions about a place using adjectives and intensifiers they have chosen.


Abc Cut-outs of adjectives
Abc Short dialogues worksheet

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of adjectives and intensifiers in the context of describing a place

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of describing


Stage 1 (warmer and lead-in) (8-10 minutes) • To recycle adjectives and their opposites and to engage students with the adjectives.

1. T presents the cut-outs to Ss. 2. Give instructions: - I've got 12 pieces of paper. - I will give the paper to you and just read them. - You can read your friends paper, but you can’t swap the paper with them. 3. ICQs: - Are you going to write anything on the paper? (No) - Can you read your friends’ paper? (Yes) - Can you swap paper? (No) 4. Distribute the cut-outs evenly. (If the Ss are in odd numbers, some students can have more cut-outs than others). 5. Give some time for Ss to read the cut-outs. 6. Give instructions: - I will tell you a word - Check your paper. - If you have the opposite word on your paper, you need to shout “banana” and tell me the word. 7. Model the activity: - T: “Big”. S: “Banana”. “Small”. T: “Up”. S: “Down”. T: When a student forget to say “Banana”, teacher would mimic the word “banana” before accepting the answer. S: “Banana”. “Down” 8. ICQs: -Will you tell similar words or opposite words? (Opposite words). - Will you shout “banana” or “apple” before answering? (“Banana”). 9. T tell the adjective “Friendly”. 10. T waits until a student shouts out “Banana” and give the correct answer: “Unfriendly”. 11. Repeat the process until all 12 adjectives get their opposites. (There’s no particular order for the adjectives) 12. After 12 adjectives get the opposites, get the Ss to stick their cards vertically (there’s no particular order) on the right side of the board.

Stage 2 (highlighting intensifiers) (10-15 minutes) • To highlight the function of intensifiers and combine them with the adjectives to describe a place

Stage 2: Aim: To introduce the intensifiers: quite, really and very. To highlight the quantifiers. Time: 10-15 minutes. Mat: quite, really, very Interaction: T-S 1. T draws a spidergram on the middle of the board. 2. T puts the word “Taksim” on the circle of the spidergram. 3. Give instructions: - Think about “Taksim”. - Choose one adjective that describes “Taksim”. - Write the adjective you choose on the board. 4. ICQs: - How many adjectives will you write? (One). 5. Give some for Ss to think. 6. Give the marker to Ss and let them write the adjectives next to the lines on the spidergram. 7. T draws a vertical line on the left side of the spidergram. 8. Draw 2 short horizontal lines from top to bottom to show the degree of intensity. (See board plan for visual). 9. Write “A” for the top horizontal line and “B” for the bottom horizontal line. 9. T shows 3 cut-outs of intensifiers; quite, very and really. 10. T asks: T: “Where should I put ‘quite’?” “A or B?” (B). T: “What about ‘very’?” “A or B?” (A). T: “And what about ‘really’? “A or B?” (A) 11. T point to one adjective from the spidergram (e.g: crowded), find out who wrote the adjective and asks to that S: T: “Do you think Taksim is crowded, quite crowded, really/very crowded?” S: expected answer (Taksim is quite/really/very (one of the intensifier) crowded). * Drilling: T models the drill of “Taksim is really crowded”. Starts with modelling the rhythm and use the sentence with the rhythm. 12. Point to another adjective from the spidergram. Repeat the process several times (2-3 times are enough). 13. Alternative: T can ask “What do you think about Taksim?” to Ss and they can give their answers from the adjectives on the board.

Stage 3 (practice) (8-10 minutes) • To practice using intensifiers and adjectives.

1. For pair work, divide the class into 2 groups; A and B. 2. T presents the worksheet paper. 3. Give instructions: - A, raise your hands. - B, raise your hands. - I will give you some paper. - Don’t show your paper to your friends. - In the paper, you’ve got some short dialogues, but some parts are missing. - Your friend have got the answers and you need to ask your friend and complete the dialogue. 4. ICQs: - Will you show your paper to your friends? (No). - Will you work in pairs? (Yes). 5. Give some time for Ss to do the activity. 6. Monitor the Ss. Check for any mistakes. Erase the “Taksim” on the spidergram and change it to “Tarlabaşı”. Erase the adjectives on spidergram. 7. After the activity, Get A students to check with other A students and B students will check with other B students. 8. Feedback: Give answer sheet.

Stage 4 (production) • To provide an opportunity of speaking practice of using adjectives and intensifiers to describe a place.

1. Draw Ss’attention to the spidergram. 2. Give instructions: - Draw this on a piece of paper. - Write 7 adjectives that you think describe Tarlabaşı. - Don’t show your paper to your friends. 3. ICQs: - How many adjectives will you write about Tarlabaşı? (7). - Will you show your paper to your friends? (No). 4. Give some time for the Ss to write. 5. Give instructions: - Find 2 people and ask what they think about Tarlabası. 6. ICQ: - How many people will you ask? (2). 7. Give some time for students to do the activity. 8. Monitor and check for errors. 9. When they have finished or time is up. Get the students back to their seats. 10. Elicit some answers from the Ss. “What does (student’s name) think about Tarlabası? *Alternative: Get Ss to think of a famous place and do open pair works with some Ss. Get Ss to ask their friends about the place they have in mind. 11. Summarise the lesson. 12. End the lesson.

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