Anastasia Anastasia


Abc New English File, Pre-Intermediate coursebook by Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a recorded text about an experiment of learning a foreign language in a month in the context of language learning

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of language learning and using in common situations.


Warmer/Lead-in (6-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. Teacher asks students: What languages do you know? How much time did you spend to learn it? How much can you learn in a month? Elicit. 2. Students are shown the photo of a woman (her name is Anna), who decided to do an experiment and find out how much she could learn in a month. Students are asked to guess in pairs: What does she do? (She is a journalist). Where does she live? (the UK - they may guess according to the red bus in the photo). What language did she try to learn in a month? (Polish) Which city is she going to visit to check the results? (Krakow) 3. Teacher gets feedback

Pre-Listening activity (3-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the recorded text and make it accessible

1. Teacher informs students that Anna is going to to pass 5 tests and she will be given a mark out of 10. Students are given instructions to look through these tests and the rules that should be followed by Anna to pass the tests and give their ideas about following questions: Which test do you think will be the easiest for Anna? Which will be the most difficult? 3. Teacher gets feedback, checks if students understood the rules. The word mime may cause difficulty, in this case I will elicit and clarify the meaning (mime myself).

Listening for gist (4-6 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

1. Students listen to Anna doing the tests in Krakow and check the answers to the questions which they discussed earlier: Which test do you think will be the easiest for Anna? Which will be the most difficult? 2. Students discuss their answers in pairs. 3. Teacher checks answers.

Listening for detail (12-14 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference listening tasks

1. Students are given instructions to listen to the recording again and mark the sentences true or false, correct the false ones. 2. Students are given time to look through the sentences. 3. They listen to the recorded text, mark the sentences. (Listen again if necessary.) 4. After listening students check their answers in pairs. 5. Teacher gets feedback.

Follow-up: speaking activity (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with an opportunity to respond to the text in a freer, fluency activity.

1. Students discuss in pairs the following questions: How well could you do Anna's five tests in English? How much do you think you can learn in a month? 2. Teacher gets feedback. If there is extra time students are given questions about their experience of speaking English in different situation (by phone, with tourists), students change partners and discuss the questions. Teacher gets feedback.

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