Basak Basak

Listening (A radio programme) & Vocabulary (compound nouns with numbers)
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about compound nouns with numbers and they practisetheir listening skills through listening to a radio programme monologue on a description of a TV game show. The lesson starts with a short video on a TV game show ‘Who wants to be a Millionnaire?’ to attract sts’ attention. Then teacher asks some questions to get them to talk and she shows some words on ppt to get them to guess what the listening may be about. After listening for the first time, she asks sts how close they are in their guesses. After that, she pre-teaches some words from the listening part and gives them some questions before listening for the second time. She asks some questions about themselves on this topic as a post-listening part. This is followed by a vocabulary exercise on compound nouns with numbers. She shows 3 samples of compound nouns with two different versions from the listening tapescript on ppt and asks them to decide which one is right in pairs then gives the tapescript to sts to check their answers. After setting a rule as WC, she gives a short matching exercise to sts to practice it. Finally she asks sts to think of some more compound nouns with numbers.


Abc Questions
Abc Matching Exercise
Abc Tapescript
E2zufsfwt0qne0ygtf0u 10 2.10 CD

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text about a radio programme monologue in the context of TV game show and to teach compound nouns with numbers

Subsidiary Aims

  • To focus on listening and speaking through a radio programme monologue and practice compound nouns with numbers through a matching exercise


Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To engage sts and introduce a context

The teacher greets the sts and shows a video on a TV game show ‘Who wants to be a Millionnaire?’ then asks some questions related with the video like ‘What is thename of this competition? Do we have a competition similar to this one? Would you like to go on a game show? What prize would you like to win?’

Pre-listening (5-6 minutes) • To get sts to guess what the radio programme will be about

Teacher tells sts that they are going to listen to a radio programme and shows some words on ppt to get them to guess what it may be about. She goes through the words as WC since they may not know some of them before they start discussing in pairs. Then she asks their opinions and writes them on WB. After she plays the recording, she asks what they understand by some back up questions if needed.

While Listening (13-15 minutes) • To get sts to listen in details

Teacher pre-teaches key vocabulary with different techniques to enable sts to do the following task. Then she gives 8 questions and get them to read to set up an aim for sts to listen to the recording in details this time. After playing the recording, she gets sts to discuss their answers in pairs. She plays the specific parts of the recording related with the questions if needed during WC FB. She also shows the answers of the questions on ppt step by step.

Post Listening (5-7 minutes) • To get sts to practice the new vocabulary through speaking

Teacher asks some questions related with the listening part like ‘Would you apply for this competition?If you were the producer of the show, what kind of contestants would you prefer to get lots of people to watch this show?Do you think you will ever go to the Moon in your lifetime?When will it be possible to buy a holiday in space?’ to get them practice the new vocabulary.

Vocabulary (3-5 minutes) • To teach sts compound nouns with numbers

Teacher shows 3 samples of compound nouns with two different versions from the listening tapescript on ppt and asks them to decide which one is right in pairs then gives the tapescript to sts to check their answers. Then she asks sts to set a rule to form those compound nouns.

Matching Exercise on compound nouns (5-7 minutes) • To get sts to practice compound nouns through a matching exercise

She gives a short matching exercise to sts to practice compound nouns with numbers. After sts do it in pairs, she gets WC FB. She asks sts to think of some more compound nouns with numbers in pairs. If she senses that they have difficulty in finding some examples, she does this part as WC by setting some situations. Finally she encourages sts to use the new examples of compound nouns in sentences.

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