Donri C. Roberson Donri C. Roberson

Module 7 Real World: Indirect and direct questions
Intermediate B1 - B2 level


In this lesson, SS will practice grammar focusing on indirect and direct questions in a formal and informal setting through GD in order. The lesson starts with a brief demonstration of indirect and direct questioning to set the context. Next, SS in (GW) will put the strips of questions into 2 groups for gist. After that, elicit grammar through feedback to highlight the formula and get the meaning of target language, followed by a controlled practice activity and CCQ's. To provide SS practice for productive skills through the sub aims of speaking by modeling and choral drilling. Finished with a free (GW) activity.


Abc Cut-ups Indirect/Direct questions
Abc Cut-ups word/phrase

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of indirect and direct questions in a formal and an informal setting as it relates to the real world through GD; eliciting, modeling, drilling and CCQ's.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking skills practice of TL through modeling, choral drilling and focusing on intonation to form polite speech.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will model and ask a few direct/indirect questions (1minute). Use CCQ's to elicit "polite" and "Impolite" and set the context (1 minute). Did I make some statements? What did I do? What kind of questions? Polite and Impolite. T will instruct (PW) to read some strips and separate them into 2 groups, (2 minutes to complete). What kind of groups? a polite group and an impolite group. ICQ's What are you going to do 1st? After that? How much time? PW peer check. Are they the same? What's different?

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through speaking/listening

T will elicit a model (rule) and link the words "formal" and "informal" to "indirect questions" and "direct questions" by guiding SS through the discovery of the TL. PART A T will model and give instructions on where to fold the paper. SS must read the instructions, then complete task (SS have 2 minutes). ICQ's What do you do first? Are you going to read the instructions? Are you going to do part B? (GW) to check answer, open-class check. CCQ's When do we use indirect questions? When do we use direct questions? Why do we use indirect questions?

Exposure (4-6 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through speaking/listening

PART B T will model and give instructions on where to fold the paper. SS must read the instructions, then complete task (SS have 4 minutes). ICQ's What do you do first? Are you going to read the instructions? Are you going to do part C? (GW) to check answer, open-class check. CCQ's the correct answers from the rules.

Exposure (2-3 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through speaking/listening

PART C: T will instruct the SS to read the instructions and complete the task (SS have 2 minutes) answer the final question, then open-class FB. CCQ's will come form the next controlled

Useful Language (3-5 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

For semi-controlled practice,(writing skill) T will instruct SS to put the words in order(4 minutes). (PW) check, (GW) check with correct answers.

Listening and Pronunciation Practice (4-6 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through speaking/listening

T will instruct SS to listen to a part of a recording (R7.12/13) between person a) and person b) (30 seconds). CCQ's Could you hear the voices? What did their voices sound like? Is there a difference? What's the difference? Using CCQ's to elicit "intonation"T will inform the SS to listen to the whole recording, but this time circle a) if they sound polite or circle b) if they sound polite. Open-class check then drill forward chain, back chain...etc., formal pronunciation without weakened stress.

Productive Task(s) (10-12 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

SS will do a free practicing speaking role-play activity (PW). Each student will play a tourist in Istanbul. T will instruct the SS and set the criteria for the role play. Each SS will have (3 minutes) to write 3 questions using the TL. Next SS will pair and taking turns using playing the tourist emphasizing intonation to sound polite. ICQ's, How many questions do you need to write? What role are you playing? Open-class FB

Feedback and Error Correction (2 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T will drill and model and do error correction.

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