Mehrnaz Pakdel Mehrnaz Pakdel

CELTA TP8 - photographs
B1 level


Ss will cover a text about doctored photos in an interactive way, learn new vocabulary, and exchange opinions on the matter in form of pyramid discussion.


Abc powerpoint
Abc pictures
Abc H/O

Main Aims

  • To provide gist, scan and deduction reading practice using a text about Famous Doctored Photographs

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice photography-related vocabulary


Warmer/Lead-in (6-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

On WB Qs to discuss: 1. what do you use to take photos? 2. Do you remember your first camera? What was it like? 3. Where do you keep your photos? (2 min) FB: How often do you use your cellphones to take photos?" T picks her own cellphone and shows the last photo she's taken:"I love taking photos. The last photo I have here is friend's birthday which we celebrated here yesterday, and I really like her(she's a teacher too, really cool), so when she was done blowing the candles and all, I asked another friend to take our photo." T: So, Where did we take the photo? Ss: Here. Who's in it? Ss: Your friend/ another teacher. what was happening? Ss: It was her birthday.... T:Now, you have 2 mins to choose a photo you like on your cellphone and tell your friends about it.(pointing at powerpoint with 3 Qs on it). FB: "Anyone with an interesting story?" One or two stories. WC

pre-teaching vocabulary (2-3 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T: "The photos you just talked about, had you edited them in anyway? What did you change and Why." T elicits " to manipulate". CCQ Does it mean to change parts of it, or to keep it the same? For an honest reason or dishonest? Drills. WB. Stress. T:To talk about photos we use another word: "to doctor". drills. WB. Stress.

Pre-Reading (5-6 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T shows them Ms Ashton's doctored photo and asks: Who/what is the picture showing? How has it been doctored? Why? T: Now you are going to look at some very famous doctored photos, and answer the same Qs in your groups. FB: Which one do you think has the most interesting story? WC

While-Reading #1: Jigsaw reading (9-10 minutes) • To read the text for gist

Now each group gets the same story. They read individually and the in pairs discuss: How and why was the photo changed?(no dictionaries yet, ask them to guess) Then they get in new groups(one of each color), and share their story answering same set of Qs. FB: Did any of the stories surprise you?

While-Reading #2 (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with a more challenging task: guessing the meaning of words from the context

WB: Sqeeze is highlighted T: Read the related sentence and tell me: is it to a) make bigger by stretching or b) make smaller by pressing from sides? Ss? b).... T: how did you find out? Ss: the words around it/general meaning of the sentence. H/O. Ss can see full text and work in same groups to answer. 4 mins FB: WC

Post-Reading (9-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T: I'm sure you have some photo editing application on your cellphone, right? How often do you use them? T asks Ss to pick a color, and regroups Ss again. pink:yes."Make a list why it's ok to doctor photos" White:no. "Make a list why it's not morally wrong".(3 min) Get with a partner of different color, talk for 3,4 mins and give me ONE answer you agree on at the end. Ss join a new pair to repeat the task.(pyramid discussion) WC T monitors through the task and takes notes.

Error-correction (2-3 minutes) • To highlight and clarify problematic areas

Errors on board. Correction WC.

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