Анна Карелина Анна Карелина

The Devil's Dictionary
Pre-intermediate, A2-B1. level


In this lesson the students will learn the relative clauses and how to use it.


Abc Handout 3 (useful expressions).
Abc Handout 4 (complete the definitions), test your memory.
Abc What's the word?
Abc Handout 3 (useful expressions).
Abc Handout 4 (complete the definitions), test your memory.

Main Aims

  • To introduce the use of relative clause in the context of the text and practice using it.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a C
  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a Conversation, dialogue


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

To start with the game: "Hangman" (the word "Dictionary/Definition"). Show the presentation: elicit the definition of a "dentist/egotist/love" from students. First they discuss it in pairs. Ask if the given definitions are funny, strange or cynical.

Exposure: text: the Devil's dictionary (5-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through the text.

Give the text, set the task for reading: answer 3 questions: 1). Who was Ambrose Bierce? 2). What is the normal definition of "dentist"? 3). Where can you find the modern versions of the Devil's Dictionary? Check answers in pairs. WG feedback.

Highlighting the target structure (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

to highlight the definition "a kind of doctor who looks after people's teeth", "is a person who puts metal in your mouth and takes coins out of your pocket". Exercise 1D. In pairs students try to give the normal definitions to the words on the slide: "a bank/a boring person/the brain/a star/a friend/a secret". Give them the handout: the do the matching activity (cynical definitions). Check in pairs-> WG feedback.

Clarification (3-4 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form of the language grammar structure.

1. Look again at definitions in exercise 1E. When do we use "who/which/where"? Elicit. Draw the table on the board (grammar with examples).

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Handout 1D: 1). Complete the definition with "who/which/where". 2). Match the definitions with the pictures. 3). Write sentences with "who/which/where". Handout 2: 1. Look at the pictures and ask and answer as in the example: -who was Dickens? - He was the man who/that wrote Oliver Twist. 2. Look at the pictures and make sentences: A dishwasher is a machine which/that you use to wash dishes. Check in pairs. T-S feedback?

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

1). Useful expressions: in pairs students try to complete the sentences with the useful expressions. Check in pairs. Listen to check their answers. 2). Complete the definitions for these words: "a tourist/a sports center/a key/worried/laugh". 3). WG FB.

Free Practice (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

2c: tell a partner about three of the things below. Say why. *a person who is very important to you; *a famous person you like a lot; *something you couldn't live without; *a thing which you often lose; *a place where you would like to go for a special evening; * a place where you were very happy when you were a child; Tell 2 interesting things about your partner.

Extra speaking activity (5-10 minutes) • to further practice the use of relative clauses

Handout 4: in pairs they fills in the gaps. Check with the whole group. Close the definition part -> students give the definition to the pictures -> test their memory.

Extra speaking activity (speaking for accuracy) (5-10 minutes) • SS practice giving definitions using relative pronouns.

1). Divide students in group of three: give the envelope with the set of cards. 2). Demonstrate the activity: pick up the card and explain the word until the student guesses the meaning. 3). Student play the game taking the card in turns. The first student in the group who says the word correctly gets the card. The winner is the student with the most cards.

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