aysen aysen

Assessed TP-4
Beginner level


In this lesson, sts will practice some verbs through flash cards in vocabulary. Through listening, sts will listen and practice pronunciation of the verbs given through the flash cards. Then while doing the exercise 2 on HO1, sts will be exposed to their first modal verb can/can't, in the meaning of ability. In the grammar section positive and negative sentence structure will be elicited from sts and written on WB by T, then practice the stress on can and can't. Sts will be asked to write 3 true and 3 false sentences about themselves or their families, then work in pairs and try to guess if their partner's sentences are true or false. To develop their receptive skills, sts will listen an interview through the recording, and do the exercise 7b given on HO2. With this listening exercise sts will be exposed to question structure of can. After listening, question and short answer structure will be elicited from sts and written on the WB. Then sts will work in pairs and ask each other about Ella and Daniel on the given practice HO3. If there is enough time, sts will make a list of things that they can or they can't do and find out the things in common, and tell the class things they can both do.


Abc Flash Cards-Verbs
Abc HO 1
Abc HO 2
Abc HO 3

Main Aims

  • To provide a modal verb; can/can't for ability.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practices to improve their integrated skills listening and speaking


Warmer/Lead-in (5-8 minutes) • to have sts review and practice some verbs

Show some flash cards of verbs and elicit the answers and drill but make sure sts are aware of using the definite article "the" in some of the phrasal verbs such as "play the piano" "play the guitar" After making sure there is no problem with the verbs meaning and pronunciation, divide sts into 3 groups and give out same flash cards and the definitions of the verbs in the little cut out strips. Have sts work in groups and match the flash cards with their definitions. After this activity sts will remain in the same group and choose a verb to mime, rest will guess. To give the instruction for this activity, show sts an example, mime that you are driving a car.

Pre-Teaching Grammar (5-5 minutes) • To teach a modal verb can can't

Distribute the HO1, and have sts match the pictures with can and can't sentences. Have sts check their answers with their partners. This way they will be exposed to grammar and have an idea of the lesson. Then ask a few questions to sts Can you play the piano? can you cook? can you drive? such as.

Grammar (5-5 minutes) • Make sure that sts get the concept for can and can't in the write meaning for ability

Write on the board Can you drive? Then start eliciting sentence structure and write it on the left side of WB. Make sure you leave some space for question form as well. Also add very well to the end of the some sentences. Make sure sts have a quick and clear understanding. Also use appropriate colors to write on WB. Black for subject pronouns, red for modal verb and green for verbs. Have sts listen to the recording for the stress, and elicit their answer and mark the stressed syllables on the grammar from sentences. Also make sure they understand the pronunciation difference between can and can't.

Listening (3-4 minutes) • To have students acknowledge the stress and pronunciation difference between can and can't

Have sts listen to the recording 4a for the stress, and elicit their answer and mark the stressed syllables on the grammar from sentences. Also make sure they understand the pronunciation difference between can and can't. Mark the stress and phoneme on WB. Just in case if they miss the pronunciation difference this way they'll see the it.

Writing (5-5 minutes) • To develop their writing skills and also get FB on their understanding.

Write 1 true and 1 false sentence on the WB about yourself, and have them guess which one is what. -I can play basketball. /F -I can't ski. /T Give clear instructions for sts to do the same and write 3 true and 3 false sentences. Have sts guess their sentences as true or false. Get the FB.

Listening (5-5 minutes) • To lead sts into the question form of the TL's

Show the picture of Mrs. Jones and Maria on page 57. Elicit sts' guesses and tell them that Mrs. Jones needs an au pair to help with her children Ella and Daniel. Write on WB Does Maria get the job? and have sts listen to the recording R7.7. Get the answer and give them instruction to put ticks and crosses to the verbs given on the HO 2 for the things MAria can do or can't. Get FB. Play the recording again. Put sts in pairs and have them check their answers.

Grammar (5-8 minutes) • Question form of the TL

Elicit question and short answer form. Write them on WB. Make sure sts are aware of modal verb is same for all the subject pronouns and verbs are in infinitive form.

Speaking Practice (5-5 minutes) • To develop their integrated skills while asking questions and getting the answers

Give instructions for this controlled practice and choose a student to demonstrate the procedure in front of the class. Ask ICQs Will you put a cross mark for the things Ella and Daniel can do? Will you put a tick mark for the things they can't do? Put them in pair and give the HOs to sts. If there is enough time, tell sts to make a list of things that they can or they can't do and to check out with their partner to find out the things in common in between them, and to tell the class things they and their partner can both do.

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