Jaclynn Jaclynn

B1 level


Abc HO-1
Abc HO -2

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of the present progressive in the context of going out.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of can/can't in the context of invitations and replies
  • To provide both accuracy and fluency speaking practice in the context of invitations


Lead-In (1-2 minutes) • Maintaining the Context

Discuss how excited I am that I am going to Budapest this weekend. Is this in the future, or the past? What are YOU doing this weekend?

Preparation for listening (7-9 minutes) • To engage Ss in the lesson and introduce them to the lesson topic.

Ss will read HO1 and decide if they are doing the same things. Then share with a partner if yes, they are doing the same activities, or no, they aren't. Teacher will ask from WC answers and elicit Yes, I am or No, I'm not on the WB.

Listening Task (1-2 minutes) • To practice listening for gist.

Ss will listen to 1b and focus on the Who/Where/Who Can/Who Can't questions. Listen once for gist. Ss work alone to listen first. ICQs- What are we listening for? When/Where, etc.

Listening Task 2 (4-6 minutes) • To practice listening for details.

Ss will listen again and check with a partner. Have Ss write their answers on the WB next to the sentence.

Productive Task 1 (7-10 minutes) • Speaking for Accuracy - Guided Practice

Concentrated on producing the correct, TL. Controlled practice. Ss in pairs. Student A thinks of a place and a day, invites Student B to activity. Student B has to say yes or no. If no then say why. Switch, do the same. T will monitor closely for errors or any confusion related to the task. Review with WC the different ways we can accept or decline and invitation.

Productive Task 2 (5-7 minutes) • Speaking for Fluency

Allowing the Ss to experiment and be creative with the TL. Less concerned with accuracy and more focused on flow and effectiveness of communication. All A's and All B's, then migle. Ss will invite their classmates and Ss will have to accept or decline and say why.

Wrap-up (5-6 minutes) • To get students to review the material before class finishes.

Have Ss wrap-up the lesson by providing some examples of invitations and responses they heard from classmates. Have Ss write some of them on the WB and discuss as a class if the invitation sounds good and the response is accurate.

Error Correction (2-3 minutes) • Delayed Correction

To reinforce the positive learning experience will delay most error correction til the end of the class. Will highlight some common speaking mistakes heard while Ss were practicing and WC will help fix them.

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