Gareth Edwards Gareth Edwards

CELTA training level


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Main Aims

  • T raise trainees awareness of the listening skill, lesson staging and appropriate activities.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To demonstrate good classroom methodology


warmer - chinese whispers (8-10 minutes) • to raise ss awareness of the session and provide a example of a good warmer

Put class into two teams: each in a row facing the board. Explain the idea of chinese whispers. Demonstrate activity with one team. Play game. Questions to ask: What's your favourite colour? What's your nationality? How many brothers have you got? What time do you get up? What's your mother's name? How old are you?

(8-10 minutes) • to elicit the similarities and differences between reading and listening skills

Write reading and listening (lessons) and the board and ask ss to work in pairs and discuss. similar: receptive / individual / pre, while, post / sub-skills / followed by productive skills different: reading you can go back (listening play CD again but not natural 5x) / reading own time / no accents (pronunciation) / learning styles task: listening requires short answers / choices ( little writing) questions before listening ( not a memory test) can't break texts into chunks, can't stop.

(8-10 minutes) • to raise ss awareness of listening sub-skills and associated listening tasks for different levels

Recap: reading sub-skills and elicit if these are the same for listening? Give out HO1 and ss complete in pairs. WCFB

(8-10 minutes) • to highlight the importance of staging of a listening lesson

divide the class into two teams. Tell ss running race. What you need to do in write the stages of a reading lesson in the correct order. SS write stages on the board. Peer check and then WCFB: Put ss into pairs. Give up of listening lesson to complete - give answer key. Elicit any differences - teacher controlled - plays the tape. Elicit which stages pw / gw / individual

(5-5 minutes) • to raise ss awareness to there does & don'ts of listening lesson

Elicit any ideas then give out HO - and ask ss to check ideas and WCFB.

dictogloss (10-10 minutes) • to expose ss to an example of alternative listening activity

Put ss into groups of threes. Give instructions: I will read a text and I would like you to work together and write down the whole paragraph - word for word. I will read the paragraph 3 times - at normal reading speed. SS do activity and ask for ss ideas.

dictogloss (10-10 minutes) • to expose ss to an example of alternative listening activity

Put ss into groups of threes. Give instructions: I will read a text and I would like you to work together and write down the whole paragraph - word for word. I will read the paragraph 3 times - at normal reading speed. SS do activity and ask for ss ideas.

(10-15 minutes) • to expose ss to listening activities using songs

Show pictures and elicit ideas. Write words on board ask ss to choose six and play bingo. Elicit other ideas for listening to songs and follow-on activities.

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