Search Results for: speaking and listening


Lives and legend / A ghostwriter interview

Intermediate level

In this lesson Ss will practice their speaking and listening skills. First, Ss will be introduced to the name of the unit, then they'll learn a new word which is going to set up the context of the lesson.They'll practice speaking by discussing and listening in further activities.


Memorable events

Upper intermediate, b2 level

The main aim of the lesson is integrate skills - listening and speaking. Students will have the opportunity to listen and talk about memorable event.


Listening, Speaking

Pre-intermediate, a2 level

In this lesson, students will do a listening activity about a famous adventurer, Steve Fossett. Firstly, I will ask students "what they want to do" before they die. After I pre-teach vocabulary, they will listen for gist and then listen for a specific information. They will listen for the last time to check their understanding. They will do a speaking activity to practice the language.


"Robberies" TP 3 Session 3/3

İntermediate level

In this section of the lesson, students will practice their listening and speaking fluency skills. Students will be presented with/review relevant vocabulary relating to the topic of “Robberies”. Students will then practice listening fluency by watching three film clips from films in which the main plotline is about robberies. Students will then practice speaking fluency with an extended discussion of one of the film clips. Students will first be introduced to the topic of “Robberies” throu...


Slow Food

A2 ( pre-intermediate) level

In this lesson,students will learn realia for food lessons based on speaking and listening text about are you a foodie . The lesson starts with a discussion about what is their favorite Turkish food. This is fallowed by are you a foodie where students speak and listen and relate their favorite Turkish food.


Media mania: Writing, listening and speaking

Upper intermediate level

In the present lesson, students are supposed to design a questionnaire about various aspects of the media through a similar context. Students will be introduced to the target language through a lead in activity in which the teacher presents different pictures about media in general and social media addiction in particular, and elicits words such as '' social media addiction'' which will prompt students to discuss the topic and develop personal interests in it before they are given a certain ...


Around the world / listening - speaking

Intermediate b2 level

In this lesson, students learn about how can they design a tour through an audio about someone is going to Australia and he is asking about the recommended places to visit. The lesson starts with a discussion about how to prepare yourself to make a tour? And what the places you have to visit through your tour? This is followed by a listening where students listen to related audio about someone going to Australia. Finally, there is some practice through listen then complete and a speaking task.


Teaching Practice 3

Elementary (a1/2) level

In this integrated skills lesson, students practise their listening, speaking and writing skills through a dictation activity in the context of places to live. The lesson starts with a group brainstorming activity on key words related to pictures of a house and city. This is followed by the reconstruction of a short text on places to live by listening to the teacher and noting down key words, which are then used as a base for reconstruction. There is some controlled practice through sentence ...


Eda ASLAN / 15.04.2014/ TP5 -Listening & Speaking

Intermediate level

In this lesson, students will focus on two different listening tasks about a book tittled, 'Father knows less".They are going to practice a receptive skills of listening ,as they listen for gist and specific information . They will also practice their speaking skills on the context of the lesson.


Listening / Speaking

Elementry level

In this lesson the students will practice a receptive skill, as they listen for gist and specific information. The activities are based on travel plans.Students will also practise a productive skill as a sub aim, as they use the language focus within role play.
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