Search Results for: simple past


TP #7 | Last Holiday I... (Past Simple)

A1 (beginner/elementary) level

In this lesson, sts will review lexis related to travel and going on holiday, practice reading for gist and then sts will have controlled practice using the <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> tense writing for product as they complete a short essay about what they did last holiday.


History Makers

A1-a2 beginner level

In this lesson, students will be presented with historical figures that have had an impact on Turkish history. Students will have to guess clues in the "running dictation" game as well as practice <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> irregular verbs in forming sentences in writing their answers as well as in speaking with each other.


TP7 LP_Vikramjit Bal

B1 - pre-intermediate level


Practised Grammar (present perfect with use of time adverbs/past simple)

Pre-intermediate level

In this lesson, learners get to use the grammar they have reviewed in the previous lessons, through speaking and writing tasks. They get the opportunity to put into practice the present perfect and <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> tenses, including time adverbs, while they develop their productive skills.


TP 4

Elementary level

In the lesson students will be able to practise the <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> tense using was/were in the context of life stories.


Language & Birthdays

Elementary level

In this first 45 minute lesson sts will be presented with a language focus on <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> of 'to be' in the context of birthdays.


Good Times, Bad Times

Elementary level

In this lesson, students learn how to use the verb 'to be' in the <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> first through identifying how it is used in a reading, then, through guided discovery. The usage is then clarified and the students work through a controlled practice. Finally, they produce a short paragraph about a <b>past</b> birthday party or party that they had and share it with the class through a class mingle.


Memories of school

Pre-intermediate a2 level

In this lesson students will learn about adjectives and preposition collocatios in <b>Past</b> <b>Simple</b> in the context of memories of school. They will learn new vocabulary, they will practice their listening skills and clarify a relevant grammar.


TP 4a

A1 level

In this lesson, students learn about about <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> through reading text about people's weekends. The lesson starts with teacher asking SS about what they did on their weekend. Then they read a text. Then there is highlighting and clarification. Finally, there is some controlled practice through exercises, then semi-controlled practice and freer practice


Lesson: The Power of Nature

Intermediate level

Students will begin with an introduction to vocabulary related to natural events. They will match words to their corresponding images. They will discuss whether any of these events occur in their country. They will then listen to an audio of two people talking about their experience during two different natural events and respond to questions. Then we will move onto grammar, specifically, narrative verb forms. They will use marker sentences from the audio to identify the use and tense of spec...
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