Search Results for: Present Perfect



B2 level

In this lesson,students learn about amazing achievements they admire based on a listening text.The lesson will start with a listening part followed by a True/False activity.After that there is a discussion about the topic and feedback .



Upper intermediate level


Past participle

Pre-intermediate grade level

In this lesson, Ss will have a warm-up about some sentences that have the present perfect tense . To prepare them for the structure, I will elicit the <b>past</b> participle through writing and pronunciation tasks. The lesson starts with an exercise about writing <b>past</b> participle. This is followed by pronouncing verbs which have rhyming <b>past</b> participles. Finally, there is some controlled practice through ask and answer the questions and a game.


present simple and progressive

Intermediate level

In this lesson, students will learn the appropriate usage and difference between present perfect <b>simple</b> and progressive. The lesson is designed in a test-teach-test format, in which a freer activity and then small gap fill activity will be given to test their knowledge. Then a S centered GDD will be used to clarify meaning, form & pronunciation. In the end, a freer speaking activity will help Ss practice the target language.


TP3 LP_ Ronald Baez

Upper intermediate level



Elementary level

In this grammar lesson Ss will learn and practice using present perfect tense with third person singular affirmative, negative, and question forms.



B1 intermediate level


TP3 LP_Nicolas Babineau

Upper intermediate level


The Anglo - Business Vantage 3 - Thursday 25 February 2021 - 7:30-9:30am - Lesson 12

Upper intermediate level

In this lesson students will perform the role play speaking test #2. They will then work with the present <b>simple</b> and continuous.


Grammar For and Since

Pre-intermediate level

in this lesson students learn about the usage of for and since in present perfect tense. As I was informed, the students have an idea over this material I am going to use PPP method and keep the clarification part short to have more STT rather than TTT.
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