Search Results for: verb tenses


Telling Real Stories, Narrative Tenses.

Intermediate, b 2 level

In the lesson, students will be involved in the them of telling factual stories. This provides the means of illustrating and practicing both form and pronunciation of the narrative tenses-the Present <b>Simple</b>, <b>Past</b> <b>Simple</b> and Present Perfect.During this lesson students will have the opportunity to develop both their accuracy and fluency by creating and then telling a story. The Reading text includes the biography of Javier Cstano, Students will have some familiarity with na...


Ambitions and Dreams , present perfect vs past simple

Pre-intermediate level

In this lesson ss learn about the difference between Present Perfect and <b>Past</b> Simple.The ss learn that Present perfect is an action started in the <b>past</b> and continued to the present, and the <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> is an action started and finished in the <b>past</b>. they also learn time expressions with the <b>past</b> and the present perfect.By the end of the lesson they will be able to use the tow different tenses correctly.


things I hate to do

Beginner level


TP 3

Pre-intermediate,b1 level

This lesson will enable students to get more practice on the already familiar topic of Present Perfect through a variety of tasks. Students will revise the usage of the tense and do first writing exercises followed by speaking practice. Some tasks are purely writing and speaking exercises, others involve a combination of writing and speaking skills. First of all, they revise the difference on the use of FOR and SINCE. They then focus on the difference between the verbs GO and BE in Present...


present simple 3rd person singular

Beginner, a1 level

In this lesson, students will learn to speak about routines of another person in 3rd person. They will also learn how to pronounce the 3rd person "s" added to the end of verbs in both positive and negative forms.


Jobs Lesson

A1 level

In this lesson, students learn about third person -s through guided discovery based on a listening activity related to jobs. The lesson starts with a warm-up activity related to jobs. Later they will have some controlled and free practice in the context of third person -s.


Teaching Practice 4

Elementary (a2) level

In this lesson, students will practise making affirmative and negative forms of present <b>simple</b> and ask yes/no questions with 'you' through the context of free time activities. This is followed by controlled practice in which they can express their peers' free time activities using the personal pronoun (he/she). Finally, there is a semi-controlled practice in which students make phrases (verb-noun collocation). This will be followed by phrase drilling activity to improve their pronunci...


simple past and past continues

A2 level

in this lesson the students learn to talk about <b>past</b> actions and the differences between <b>simple</b> <b>past</b> and <b>past</b> continues tense. the lesson starts with a story of someone talking about his last vacation and uses <b>past</b> form of the verbs and also adverbs indicating <b>past</b> actions


TP-1 Fast food restaurants /past simple lesson

Pre-intermediate level

In this lesson, students will learn about <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> tense, through guided discovery based on a reading text about fast food restaurants. They will learn about (regular, irregular, negative, <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> of be & can) from the fast food text. This lesson will finish with the practice of three different sounds of (ed) pronunciations of the verbs.


TP #7 Grammar / Writing

Elementary level

In this lesson students will learn and practice how to use the regular form of verbs in <b>simple</b> <b>past</b> in the context of news and wether. Students will work on the form, meaning and pronunciation of verbs in <b>past</b> and practice using them in a writing mini autobiography.
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