Search Results for: past continuous


Grammar: Language Focus: simple past, present perfect and present perfect continuous

Upper-intermediate class level

This lesson will be a practice related class to the previous lesson (Mr Ahmed Jama); students are required to distinguish between <b>simple</b> <b>past</b>, present perfect and present perfect continous throughout a variety of activities: listening task, fill-in exercices and speaking circle practice. The lesson is aimed to help students to integrate the use of both functional and usage grammar skills.


Change - Continued

Intermediate 1 level

This lesson presents <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> and present perfect verb tenses in the context of changes in Vietnam. It also presents expressions that are commonly used with these verb tenses.



Upper-intermediate b2 level

In this lesson, students will be introduced the topic of 'lasting memories' within the <b>past</b> structures 'used to' and 'would.' Then, the lesson will continue by focusing on the target language 'how to reminisce about the <b>past</b>'. Finally, the lesson will focus on students' productive skills which cover writing skills.


present continuous lesson

Beginner level

By the end of this lesson the students will learn the formation of the <b>simple</b> <b>past</b> and the will be able o accurately use the <b>simple</b> <b>past</b> and talk about <b>past</b> action and events. I will start my warm up by showing them pictures about Christmas and ask them questions about your last Christmas then I will hand them a short text on Christmas and questions on the story itself to answer it. The next step I will clarify the form and function of the <b>simple</b> <b>p...


Conditional If


If + <b>past</b> perfect: perfect conditional or perfect continuous conditional


Pronunciation and Speaking Lesson with Past Simple

Pre-intermediate level

In this lesson, students repeat the <b>simple</b> <b>past</b> tense regular verbs forms with a pronunciation part and a speaking part. The lesson starts with learning the differences between /t/ and /d/ in <b>past</b> forms of the verbs and continues with two speaking tasks. The first speaking task is about teachers and their students. The second task is about teachers they really liked. The lesson finishes with feedback and correction.


Present perfect simple & continuous TP 1

B2 level

In this lesson, students will learn more about the present perfect <b>simple</b> and continuous in the affirmative forms. The lesson starts with a lead-in that introduces two songs that include the target language of the lesson. Then, the students will be exposed to two texts that have the target language and in groups, they will try to answer some questions about the text. After that, the students will be shown some examples and the teacher elicits the target language of the lesson. Next, th...


Judging by appearances

Intermediate level

In this lesson,students learn about the modals of deduction: might,can't, and must through guided discovery on a listening text and some other activities.The lesson starts with my colleague with the context of friends and enemies,this is followed by other activities which serve speaking aims and exercises practices speaking for both fluency and accuracy. It is followed with my plan ,teaching grammar modal verbs with the context of judging by appearances.Not only introducing new grammar but ...


Past Simple- Irregular Verbs

Elementary level

This lesson reviews the <b>Past</b> <b>Simple</b> Tense briefly focusing on the irregular verbs. Students might have taken a look at <b>Simple</b> <b>Past</b> Tense before and this lesson continues in the same context as the previous lesson which is blog post texts. After this lesson students will have speaking exercises in the TL through some speaking activities in the following lesson.


TP8 LP_Mailys Rouleau

Elementary level

In this lesson, students will practice writing a complaint email in the context of online shopping. They will be presented a model. They will realize 3 tasks based on the model regarding structure, appropriacy and useful language. After that, students will brainstorm together different ideas so they can start planning their writing. Finally, they will share their work with class and I will conduct OCFB.
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