Search Results for: reading intermediate


Around the world, reading

Intermediate level

In this lesson, ss will read five stories about cities. They will notice vocabulary in the stories, use categorizing to discover the context, and read for details. Finally, they will practise describing cities and places they admire.


culture shock , reading

Intermediate level

In this lesson , students 'll read an article about culture shock and learn some new vocabulary . They 'll speak about the difference between their culture and other cultures .



Intermediate b2 level

In this lesson, ss read a text about the importance of breakfast



Intermediate level

In this lesson, students practice reading for gist and reading for specific information based on five short newspaper articles in the context of demonstrations . The lesson starts with a discussion about some general ideas about demonstrations that Ss have already seen in their lives. Next, students work together to match some vocabulary from the articles with their meanings. The next step reading for gist, where students are supposed to read their article and go look for the deadline. Later...


Younger brother/ Only child reading

Intermediate level

In this lesson students will practice reading skills (reading for gist and details) through individual, pair-work and group work and then practice their speaking skills (for fluency) in altered groups.


TP 5 Reading

Intermediate level

In this lesson, students will focus on reading and connecting sentences in reference to <b>past</b> perfect, and <b>past</b> <b>simple</b>. The students will have a quick overview of the grammar and then move on to playing a fun controlled practice. However, towards the end I will let them have a freer practice with coming up with an ending to the story.


Sports history, Reading

Intermediate, grade 9 level

In this lesson, SS will read a magazine article about the history of basketball and tennis. They will learn new vocabulary in context


Vocabulary and reading

Intermediate level

In this lesson Ss focus and practice reading through the medium of an extract from SpeakOut Intermdiate Students' Book. The reading will be followed by some written exercices issued from the previous reading. In the same context, some new vocabulary contained in this reading will be introduced. At the end, two discussions will be hold where the Ss are expected to share opinions and ideas issued from the previous reading.



Intermediate level

‏On Friday, I want to teach a reading , the reading called Rent Man ‏In the beginning, I teach them words with the picture ‏Then I give them a some gist and detailed question of reading and I give time to them for answering and after cheeked in class .


Stuck on a desert island?- Reading

Intermediate level

In this lesson, the students will practice reading for gist by matching the ideas to the names in the text . Then, there is a reading for specific information exercise. After that, Ls will make a list of things they would miss (most and least) if they were stuck on a dessert island.
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