Search Results for: preparing lessons


Task - Describe a favourite place to eat - Speaking

Elementary level

In this lesson, the students will learn about how to describe their favourite place to eat in English through some speaking activities based on conversations. The lesson starts with a worksheet, about the phrases that can be used to describe favourite places to eat, in which the students, in groups, will sort them into the boxes. This is followed by an activity in which the students will, in pairs, prepare to talk about their favourite places to eat, and will talk to each other about them in ...



Pre-intermediate level

In this lesson, Students will be practising reading for gist, specific information and detailed understanding through a reading text about holiday tours. They are going to prepare a brochure in groups as follow-up task and they will choose the best one.


Skills: Listening, Vocabulary: Time Phrases

A1 level

In this lesson, students will review talking about their daily routines using the present <b>simple</b> and the correct time phrases. Students would practise the usage and pronunciation of theses time phrases in pairs and in groups for extra reinforcement. They would then practice listening to a daily routine for another person as a lead-in (preparation) for the coming lesson, which is about asking questions using the <b>simple</b> present form, and later on this week, they will be introduced...


Anchor Text: Stella Discovers Gravity

Grade 5 level

In this lesson, students will practice a range of receptive reading skills by undertaking a number of reading activities, both individually, in pairs, and group work. The teacher takes students gradually through reading from top to down. This helps activate students' schemata, prepare them for reading, and give them the chance to enjoy what they read.


Duygu ENG 102/17

B1 civil engineering level

In this lesson, students practice reading skills through a text about survival. The lesson starts with introducing some vocabulary through pictures and discussion questions within the context. This is followed by pair work reading to identify the gist and details, guess the meaning of unknown words and summarize the text. Finally, they found an NGO and prepare posters to present them as a speaking activity.



Upper-intermediate b2 level

This lesson will be a productive skill lesson which is going to be a writing lesson. The students will be introduced the context of the lesson with a lead-in. Then, they will go over the reading passage and familiarise with the linking words which will help them to produce a written production in the end. Finally, they will write a narrative story by using those words and exhibit their products around the class and they will check each other's production by means of a checklist for writing pr...


TP Space tourists / Listening

Pre-intermediate level

In this lesson, students learn and talk about space tourists through listening to the radio programme monologue: a discription of Star Quest; a TV game show. The lesson starts with a discussion about game shows in their country. The new vocabulary is introduced to the Ss and they try to predict from the words what the programme will be about.This is followed by jist listening and listening for detail. After the controlled practice Ss read the tapescript to find the compound nouns with numbers.


Forms of Entertainment: Movies

Upper-intermediate to advanced level

In this lesson Ss will discuss one of the major forms of entertainment--movies. Ss will share what they like to consume, how often, and why, and will provide recommendations to their fellow peers, the T, and the WC. The conversation will mostly focus on popular and famous movies, guiding the Ss to think about and explain why so much attention is given to these specific movies. The informal discussions will prepare Ss for a proceeding productive activity, to be completed in the following le...


Intermediate, b1+ level

In this lesson, students practice reading in the context of street food. At the beginning of the lesson, the students listen to a model speaking task from the teacher and elicit new vocabulary from it and they practice a similar task. Then they practice reading for gist and reading for details. After that students are asked to think themselves as an instagram blogger and prepare an interesting dish and speak it to their friends as if they were posting it on istagram.


Favorite places, There is /are (not)

Elementary a2 level

In this lesson, Students talk about their favorite places in the country/city or a holiday place they know through productive skills based on a context about favorite places. The lesson starts with a warm up about teacher's favorite city. This is followed by a leading speaking activity done in an onion circle about three things about their favorite city or country. Then Ss work on a picture and vocab matching which is followed by a pair work on vocab and what to do in each place which would p...
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