Search Results for: quantifiers some any


Countable / uncountable nouns, Quantifiers.

Pre-intermediate level

In this lesson SS wil practise countable and uncountable nouns.At the beginning of the lesson SS will look at the photo what is given on page 20 of Global SB.. In threes, SS will talk abaout what positive and negative aspects of working as a Chef. Then SS will work in pairs then ask each other those four questions what are give on the same page.SS have 7 minutes to do these exercises. If they finish earl T will ask more questions. Exp. "Who are better cooks. Men or women?" or "What makes a g...



Intermediate level

By the end of this lesson the students will be able to identify, differentiate the form and use different phrases to express the amount of quantity of a noun used in a sentence. The will be able to master usage for each noun whether countable or non countable. Also they will apply the form in negative and positive structure.



Pre-intermediate level

In this lesson, students learn about countable and uncountable nouns through exposure to text, and in which they will have to identify the meaning and form, and practice pronunciation. They will then practice the target language through controlled and free practice.
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