Search Results for: quantifiers some any



B2 level

In this lesson Ss learn how to use quantifiers with countable and un countable nouns. The lesson starts with a short entertaining video clip about some of the quantifiers like too many, too much, and so on. It will involve Ss to the topic. Then we do a quick test on Ss previous knowledge on the topic, using fill in the gaps exercise. It will be done by Ss individually followed by a pair check, and finally the answers will be checked through the listening. At this point, Ss might need to be cl...


Mami lesson -Quantifier

Upper-intermediate level

In this lesson, Ss learn about quantifiers through guided discovery based on an exercise about food. The lesson starts by showing Ss a picture of a girl drinking water and beneath it a wrong sentence by using many instead of much. Ss will correct the sentence and will understand that the lesson is about quantifiers. This is followed by an exercise about food. Ss must out the appropriate quantifier in the gap. The teacher asks his Ss to work in pairs and later they will check the answers by ...



Intermediate b1 level

In this lesson Ss learn how to use quantifiers with countable and un countable nouns, and how to differentiate between different quantities and when to use each quantifier.


Grammar - quantifiers

Intermediate level

In this lesson, students will learn how to use quantifiers like "too much", "a little", "enough". Students will learn/clarify blocking vocabulary, be tested on their awareness of when to use each quantifier and then do a series of exercises to clarify the 'order' of quantifiers, i.e. too much > not enough. Students will practice quantifiers in the context of technology.



Upper intermediate level

In this lesson, students learn about quantifiers in the context of goal setting. Students start off by analyzing and discussing an image with their peers. Afterwards, will read an article and scan to identify quantifiers. Once identified, students will then work in pairs on a guided discovery task to further analyze the meaning, form, and pronunciation of the quantifiers. Following this is a controlled practice activity where students complete sentences using the correct quantifiers. Students...


Mahmoud Elsayed,Grammar

Intermediate level

In this Lesson, students will discuss quantifiers. First, they will listen to complete the gaps with quantifiers.Then, they will categorize the quantifiers into three lists which are countable, uncountable, and both. After that, they will work in pairs to discuss which quantifiers best complete the sentences in practice 1 about the university or the place tf work. Finally will work in groups to discuss the place where they live using appropriate quantifiers by using things that are in t...


Grammar: Quantifiers

Pre-intermediate,a2 level

In this lesson,students learn about the quantifiers used with the plural countable nouns and the uncountable nouns based on a reading text about living in a town called’’Montreal’’ in terms of advantages and disadvantages or its positive and negative features.The lesson starts with setting a context by eliciting the word ‘ ‘Town’’ and writing it in the centre of the WB and Sts’s mind-map about town in terms of ‘‘ A good town’’, and ‘‘ a bad town’’ eliciting ralated vocabulary from the stud...



Upper intermediate level

In the lesson, students learn about quantifiers (plenty of, a few, too many, some, etc.) in the context of food following the Test Teach Test format. The lesson begins with a discussion about how much healthy and unhealthy food students eat. Students are tested through a fill in the gap exercise about food facts. Then students do two guided discovery activities: they choose the correct meaning of sentences and they decide which nouns with the quantifiers are countable or uncountable. Further...


Shopping (Grammar/Listening) Quantifiers

B2 level

In this lesson Ss will learn about how to use quantifiers with and without "of". This will start off with an exposure task and listening task to identify the missing words in the text. Then they will go through a guided discovery to explore the use of quantifiers more. Once the aim is met Ss will practice quantifiers by adapting a text to fit their city and speaking about it.


TP 4b: Quantifiers

Intermediate level

In this lesson, students will be exposed to and do multiple practice activities with quantifiers. After a speaking warm up, a short grammar activity will confirm how familiar this group is with quantifiers. Familiarity with countable and uncountable nouns will be assessed and this topic attended to with a brief lesson if necessary (this grammar point might be familiar to this group of students). This is followed by a more formal grammar lesson on the subject of quantifiers. A fill-in-the-blan...
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