Search Results for: simple past


Grammar Past Simple: be

Elementary a1/a2 level

In this lesson, students will focus on the meaning and use of the <b>past</b> forms of to be in controlled practice activities. They will listen for gist and details in the context of Margaret’s Thirteenth Birthday Party. In the freer spoken practice of the TL, students will ask and answer the questions about their parners.


Life Stories listening and speaking lesson.

Elementary level

In this lesson students will practice and learn correct use of the <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> tense through guided discovery based on Life stories of famous people from the <b>past</b>. There will be controlled listening practices and also a free production speaking exercise at the end. We will also introduce some new lexis based on the context and some brief work on pronunciation. I have adapted lesson to contain several Turkish events and <b>past</b> celebrities to further engage and interes...


past sımple regular

Elementary, level

In this lesson, the students will get the clear image of the <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> regular and will be able to talk about their <b>past</b> easily by the end of the lesson. The lesson starts by showing them the images of my childhood and talking about them. Which will be followed by the starter on pg.46 of headway SB where the students will talk about their grandparents and great grandparents.


Past:To be (Was-Were)

Beginner, a1 level

In thıs lesson,students learn about the <b>simple</b> <b>past</b>:be(was-were) through guided discovery based on a listening text about where the people were?.The lesson starts with three questions as a warm-up.This is followed by clarification of was-were by using visual materials as restaurant,cinema and cafeteria.Then,there are some controlled listening practice through target sentence and free practice via using was-were structure.


Present perfect with for and since

Pre-intermediate level


TP # 8a

Upper intermediate level

During this lesson, Ss will learn about and practice I used to/ I didn't use to, I would to talk about regular habits that are in the <b>past</b>. This will be presented in the context of a short passage the T has prepared, there the grammar is presented in the context of <b>past</b> activities and eating habits, contrasted with one off events in the more recent <b>past</b> that use <b>past</b> tense as a contrast. Having elicited this grammar and confirming the form, there will be a controll...


Unit 1.2

Level 2 / level 3 level

In this lesson students will practice and consolidate the <b>past</b> tense and relationship vocabulary


Make a good Impression

Advanced (fce) level

In this lesson the difference between <b>simple</b> <b>past</b> and present perfect will be mentioned.


Present perfect

Intermediate level

In this lesson, students learn about how to use The Present Perfect <b>Simple</b> to talk about their experiences, ask questions using the present perfect and know the difference between <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> and present perfect. The language is clarified on the board, through audio and free practice speaking.


Important firsts- Past simple lesson

Pre-intermediate a2-b1 level

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