Search Results for: simple past


Reyhan Torlak 10/04/14 Today and Yesterday

Elementary level


TP4 - Grammar (Today and Yesterday)

Elementary, a1 level

In this lesson, SS will have practiced the <b>past</b> form of ‘verb to be’ and ‘can’ through comparing them with their present forms in a listening exercise and via Guided Discovery. After controlled practises, they will have practiced using <b>past</b> form of ‘verb to be’ and ‘can’ in a real life context.



Pre-intermediate level

In this lesson, students learn about the <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> tense and the phonological features of <b>past</b> tense verbs in the context of school days and school memories in the <b>past</b>. The students will practice pronunciation in pairs as well as in choral drilling as an entire class.


Grammar/Past simple

Pre-imtermiadiate level

This lesson continues with a similar context to the previous lesson and continues the story started in the reading, but changes the focus to grammar. This grammar is not new for these Ss, but they still need review and practice.



Upper-intermediate level

In thıs lesson, students will learn about the grammar "used to (do)" and "would (=used to)" as well as <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> through the context of childhood. This lesson will also briefly cover "for and since" how long...? (+ present perfect) when asking others about the <b>past</b>, but this is only being covered verbally. Students will also do an activity where they will compare their childhood with now, using the present <b>simple</b> tense.


the last holiday

Beginners level

In this lesson students will learn about things they did in their last holiday using questions and short answers in the <b>past</b> , through reading . first they will be introduced to different vocabs related to the context of holidays , after that they will ask questions in this <b>past</b> using those vocabs and then they will do a reading to answer some questions in the <b>past</b> with short asnwers and finally they will do some practice using the <b>simple</b> <b>past</b> always in the ...


Ancient Mayan. civilisation

A2+ level

In this lesson, students learn how to talk about the <b>past</b> and develop their fluency in the context of ancient Mayan civilisation. Students receive a mission to learn about Mayan life and reveal the mystery of that civilization.


Past simple (Negative)

Elemantary level

In this lesson students learn about negative form of <b>past</b> tense based on the context of my last weekend. The lesson starts with making links to the previous lesson and continues in the same context. This is followed by a practice part which includes a listening task, The lesson ends with a speaking activity called "you did it" which will give them an opportunity to practice what they have learnt and produce their own sentences.


Present perfect with for and since

Pre-intermediate level


TP 5b (wednesday)

Elementary level

In this skills lesson which focuses on the receptive skill reading, students will improve their reading skills by reading for gist and reading for detail. The lesson starts with introducing the topic of fishing by showing a short video and introducing vocabulary and continues by showing a picture of the story "The Businessman and the Fisherman", where ss give a prediction about the topic of the text. This is followed by a gist reading task and then a reading for detail part. The lesson ends w...
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