Search Results for: simple past


-ed endings

Intermediate level

In this lesson SS learn how to pronounce different words with -ed endings in the <b>past</b> tense.


Present perfect

A2 level

In this lesson, students learn about how to use The Present Perfect <b>Simple</b> to talk about their experiences, know the difference between <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> and present perfect. The language is clarified on the board, through PowerPoint and free practice speaking.


Simple Present Tense Negatives

Beginner,a1 level

Lesson will start with the presentation of new words.Students will relate these words with the working places which are open 7/24. Students will elicit present <b>simple</b> negatives in the context of working problems problems.Teacher will clarify the form and students will do grammar exercises and speak about about what they dont do.


Reading and Speaking on past experiences

Pre-intermediate level


TP2- Talking about past events

Pre- intermediate level

In this lesson students will learn talking about <b>past</b> experiences, especially about ''embarrassing'' experiences. Lesson will start with teacher's telling one of the embarassing experience and eliciting some ideas from students that will help to get in touch with the context. Students will pre-learn the words like ''embarrassed'' and ''hallowe'en'' before reading activities. After gist reading, students will match the correct pictures with the correct paragraphs, answer the questions ...


Grammar/Past simple

Pre-imtermiadiate level

This lesson continues with a similar context to the previous lesson and continues the story started in the reading, but changes the focus to grammar. This grammar is not new for these Ss, but they still need review and practice.



Intermediate level

In this lesson, students will learn <b>past</b> perfect tense through some contexts. They will review <b>simple</b> <b>past</b> and put events/actions in order.


Grammar ( Times past)

Beginners level



Pre-intermediate level

In this lesson, students learn about the <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> tense and the phonological features of <b>past</b> tense verbs in the context of school days and school memories in the <b>past</b>. The students will practice pronunciation in pairs as well as in choral drilling as an entire class.


Reyhan Torlak 10/04/14 Today and Yesterday

Elementary level

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