Search Results for: simple past



Elementary level

In this lesson, students learn about writing a postcard or letter in the context of reading about holidays. The lesson starts with a discussion asking the students to talk about their last holiday. This is followed by pre-tech vocabulary in the context of displaying some pictures and start eliciting from students the answers.


questions - present / past

A2 pre -int level

In this lesson ss will recap and practice questions forms in present and <b>past</b> to / be and <b>simple</b> <b>past</b> (do / does / did). In the context of family and friends.


TP 8. Present perfect


In this lesson the students will learn about the Present Perfect tense through the context of life experiences. The main aim of the lesson will be grammar where students will learn present perfect through guided discovery based on their life experiences. They will do controlled- Semi-controlled and freer activities about tenses.


Past Continuous

Pre-intermediate level

In this lesson, Ss learn about the <b>Past</b> Continuous through guided discovery approach based on a reading text about 'a story behind the picture'. The lesson starts with a matching game with pictures and stories. There is gist reading task. Following that there will be grammar based exercises. Finally, there is some controlled practice and freer practice through role-playing.





Getting to know you

Pre intermediate a2 level

in this lesson, the teacher and the student get to know each other after that practice a language through listening activity


Childhood dreams .

Intermediat b2 , level

In this lesson students will speak about their dreams and hoppies in the <b>past</b> . Iam going to strat my lesson by writing a quote on the WB and ask students wether they agree or disagree with this quote ? Then they will read an article about childhood dreams to expose and hightlight the target language then answer two questions after reading .After then i will guide them to the useful language which they will use in the speaking tasck . Then they will discuss about some sentenses and que...


Reading and Grammar

Pre-intermediate level

This lesson sets a general context for both lessons through reading and language focus. The Ss will learn new grammar (<b>Past</b> continuous) through reading, controlled and semi-controlled practice. They will also improve their reading and speaking skills by doing group and pair works


Grammar, Reading and Speaking

Grade 4 - a2 level

In this lesson, students will practice reading with a short text and activities, but we will mainly focus on grammar, the <b>Past</b> <b>Simple</b> Tense, with the help of various activities that flow controlled to freer.



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