Search Results for: simple past


Language focus : Grammer

Intermediate level


review of past perfect tense

Intermediate level

In this lesson, SS will review the <b>past</b> perfect tense and also to help SS differentiate between <b>past</b> perfect and <b>simple</b> <b>past</b> in the context of "Adventurers". The lesson starts with activity to review the <b>past</b> perfect, then followed by listening to many tracks to highlight the target language. At the end, there are controlled, semi-controlled and freer activities.



B1 level

In this lesson the Ss will review question forms and be introduced to a lexis related to the cultures of a city. The Ss will also be given a speaking task using this information talking about a major city they know about.


Expressions with GO and WENT

Pre-intermediate level

In this lesson, students will learn that the present <b>simple</b> "go" and <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> "went" are used with specific prepositions. These expressions are used when talking about places, people, activities and travel words. The sts will introduced to the concept of collocations.


Creat and Inspire - Interview and Demo class [ Haya Alzaghal ]

Intermediate - b1 level

In this lesson students will read listen and talk about artists and writers, music and insperation. The class will begin with students asked how life would be without music and what it means to the leading to the text which then they will have to read for gist, specific and detailed information. the grammar given in the book will be given through the text and practise. the class should end with a fluency speaking practice.


TP8 - Text-Based Framework, Grammar

Upper intermediate level

In this lesson, students will review and practice the passive voice in the <b>past</b> tenses. They will read headlines that include the three <b>past</b> tense passive forms - the <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> passive, the <b>past</b> continuous passive, and the <b>past</b> perfect passive. After reading the text, they will identify the passive voice language used. Then, they will analyze the meaning, form, and pronunciation each tense. Next, the students will use their knowledge in a controlled...


TP 5. Solmaz Shokouhi

Intermediate level

In this lesson, the Ss are going to study passive (voice) for the 'present <b>simple</b>', 'present continuous', '<b>past</b> <b>simple</b>', 'present perfect', 'future <b>simple</b>', and 'modal verbs' and try to use them in a speaking task. The lesson taught in the 45 min before this lesson includes a reading with some listening and Vocabulary activities. The grammar lesson of this reading focuses on the passive voice. The first exercise is done through this reading.


having a bad day, past continuous

Pre intermediate unit 9 lesson a level

In this lesson SS are going to learn <b>past</b> continuous through a short reading and the class is will be started by a discussion. after teaching the lesson, it will be followed by some controlled practice and freer practice.


Demo lesson

Elementary level

In this lesson, students will revise present <b>simple</b>, present continuous and <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> through guided discovery by doing fill in the gap exercises.


Writing a news report

Intermediate level

In this lesson Ss will learn how to write a news report about a crime. They will develop the skill of picking the important factual information in an article or document. The lesson is designed as a guide to help Ss work in a communicative classroom environment making connections with different aspects of crime that blends listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In this lesson, Ss will have the opportunity to extract relevant information and rephrase it in a news style writing. Ss will ...
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