Search Results for: Present Perfect


Call the doctor?

Upper-intermediate level

In this lesson “Call the doctor”, Ss listen to a conversation between a doctor and a patient and find out about the patient condition. Grammar is the main focus, filling the gaps with verbs in the present perfect <b>simple</b> tense or in present perfect continuous tense. Speaking is the sub-main aim of our lesson today.


TP8 LP - Abbas Rezaqolinejad

Intermediate level

In this lesson, Ss will compare Present Perfect <b>Simple</b> and Present Perfect Continuous. The lesson topic will be contextualized via a set of verbs to elicit Ss experiences lately and then they will be given a text to read quickly and answer Qs accordingly for gist. They will next work on the text for detailed information and become more familiar with the new language which will be analyzed in the next stage to clarify MFPA. Eventually, Ss will do CP and FP to practice and internalize th...


Present Perfect Simple vs Present Perfect Continuous

Upper intermediate level


Present Perfect Continuous

Intermediate level

The students, after being introduced to Present Perfect Continuous, will practice it with the focus on time expressions ‘for’ and ‘since’ and they will be reminded of the difference between stative and dynamic verbs. This will be followed by a freer spoken practice on the TL.


Present perfect simple

Pre-intermediate level

In this lesson, students will learn present perfect <b>simple</b> with 'since' and 'for'. Lesson context is animals and beloved pets.


Present Perfect (Simple and Continuous)

Intermediate level

In this lesson students will learn the difference between Present Perfect (<b>Simple</b> and Continuous) in the context of "illness and treatment"


TP 3 - Grammar (Ivan)

Upper-intermediate level

To introduce and practice Present Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect <b>Simple</b> in the context of a dialogue bewteen two friends


TP 4. Ahmed Nouri

Intermediate level

In this lesson,Ss learn about present perfect <b>simple</b> and present perfect continuous in the context of Relationships. The lesson starts with controlled practice through completing statements with words in the context of relationships.



Advanced/upper intermediate level

In this lesson, students will learn about grammatical differences of how to use the present perfect <b>simple</b> and present perfect continuous. They will learn MFP, then have controlled and freer practice to use the language.


Present perfect conttinuous

Intermediate level

In this lesson, students will intrduce and give practice in present perfect continuous & time expressions "since " & " for " through the context of life
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