Search Results for: Present Perfect


Grammar: Present Perfect Simple

Pre-intermediate level

In this lesson, students learn about the present perfect <b>simple</b> through guided discovery based on a short reading text. Students are given a lead- in which activates schemata related to the established context of jobs. The lead-in elicits ideas from learners re: related vocabulary and the concept of job "experiences" (used with present perfect <b>simple</b>). Students then undergo restricted exposure in which they read a text and get a general understanding of it through a sequence of ...


Present Perfect Continuous with for, since and ago

Intermediate level

In this lesson, students learn about the Present Perfect Continuous and the different usages of for, since and ago. The lesson starts with a listening task about Sarah’s Life and it’s followed by an exercise where the Ss complete a number of sentences using the tapescript. This is followed by explaining the Present Perfect Continuous using two examples, CCQs, discriminating between ‘since’ and ‘for’ and some exercises. Afterwards, there is a brief explanation for ‘ago’. Finally, there is a co...


Exploring Careers Using Present Perfect and Past Simple Tenses

Intermediate b1 - 3rd preparatory - class 3/b (boys) - time : 40 minutes level

In this lesson, students will learn and practice the use of the present perfect tense in the context of discussing different careers. The focus will be on understanding how the present perfect is employed to convey experiences and achievements, while the <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> is used for specific <b>past</b> actions through using varieties of tasks and games to achieve this objective properly and professionally.


Rod Turner TP3: Speaking (Grammar Ex)

English pre-intermediate level

In this lesson, the student will practice grammar with present perfect and present perfect continuous using the words "for" and "since". My main goal is grammar but I also want to focus on speaking and keeping it student focused.


TP4 Grammar - Present Perfect Simple/Continuous

Upper intermediate level


TP2 CELTA Istanbul 2016.09.23

Upper intermediate level

In this lesson, students will listen to a text between a patient and a doctor. They will listen for gist, detail, and fill the gap by using the present perfect and present perfect continuous tense in verbs. They will share with other students what they have been doing when not feeling well. In addition, they will talk about what they have been doing to keep a healthy life. They will discuss these through controlled exercise SOLO, discuss and compare answers through PW and WC. In the end, the...


TP 3 LP_Jagoda Ewa Smetek

Upper intermediate level



Upper intermediate level

In this lesson, students will learn Present Perfect Continuous comparing with Present Perfect <b>Simple</b> through the text used during the previous lesson with the help of some visuals and guided discovery handout. The lesson starts with a brief discussion about ex-classmates. This is followed by the analysis of the model sentences found in the text. Finally there is some controlled (gap-fill exercises) and freer practice (a final speaking activity). It is aimed that Ss will figure out MFP ...


Global Upper Intermediate Demo Lesson - Unit 3 Land and Sea

Upper intermediate b2 level

In this lesson ss will practise reading for specific information and detail. They will also revisit the present perfect <b>simple</b>, present perfect continuous and the <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> through the reading text. There will be opportunities to practise speaking for accuracy and fluency.


Lesson 3: Grammar

Pre-intermediate level

Students will have an opportunity to review present perfect <b>simple</b> and present perfect continuous using "for" and "since". They will read the given texts and choose which facts describe how long an activity has occurred. The lesson will focus on grammar so it will be important to emphasize weak pronunciations, weak forms, and contraction words. Exercises will be a combination of controlled and semi-controlled reading and writing activities. Exercises will also be conducted in pairs a...
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