Search Results for: Present Perfect



İntermediate level

In this lesson students will learn and practice the Present Perfect Tense and the <b>Past</b> <b>Simple</b> Tense through a variety or grammar activities and a speaking activity.



Pre intermediate level

In this lesson, the students will have more practice on "present perfect" both affirmative and negative form


Life Events, vocabulary

Intermediate b1 level

In this lesson, Ss will talk about life events. It's another practise to use Present Perfect and <b>Past</b> <b>Simple</b> Tenses. Ss will think about their own life events and write it down. Teacher will guide them by giving some examples. Such as, graduation, moving to other places, etc. Then they'll focus on the 1st exercise which is categorisation of the life events. They will do it on their own. Before that teacher will ask if there is any vocabulary. Teacher will elicit and with concept...


How long?

Pre-intermediate level

in this lesson, students will remember present perfect tense. they practice by speaking and


Have you ever...?

A2 elementary pre-int level

PPP with elements of discovery of present perfect for EXPERIENCES you have had up to now...


The Anglo - B2.2 - Saturday 30 January 2021 12-2pm - Lesson 2a

Upper intermediate level

In this lesson students work on speaking and listening relating to beauty and transformation. Students review the present perfect versus the <b>past</b> <b>simple</b>.


Describing Your Home , Grammar

Pre-intermediate level

In this lesson students will review the 'unfinished <b>past</b>' function of the present perfect tense through the use of time expressions "for and since". The SS extract the target language from reading text after they review , and learn about the meaning, form and pronunciation. They will also do a semi-controlled practice to consolidate the meaning and form of the target language.Finally , they do a free practice exercise to use the TL they have learnt.


Present perfect with for and since

Pre-intermediate level


Teaching Plan 4

Pre-intermediate level

In this lesson, the students practice question form for the present perfect tense. There will be primarily speaking practice. Pronunciation will also be a focus, so drilling will take place.


The Anglo - B2.2 - Saturday 30 January 2021 2:15-4pm - Lesson 2b

Upper intermediate level

In this lesson students work on speaking and reading relating to changing careers. Students review the present perfect <b>simple</b> versus continuous.
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